Iraq: Patterns of Violence Against Civilians

  Max Weber once famously defined the nation-state as “a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory.” Since then, many have associated civil war with an attempt by groups to control territory through the exercise of violence and coercion directed towards civilians. Despite the... 

Britain’s Islamist Strategy and the 9/11 Blowback

Osama bin Laden first gained a reputation as a militant Islamist in the 1980s during the Western backed counter-insurgency – so-called “jihad” – against the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan. During its campaign to contain and repel the Soviet invasion, the West’s main strategy was to recruit Islamists from around the world[i] in a war... 

The Occupation of Palestine: Childhood Recollections

Children in Nablus Some claim that there is a crucial incident, or turning point in a person’s past that serves as a thunderbolt and changes their lives forever. I was too young to clearly remember my thunderbolt.... 
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