
A Well-Fed World is a hunger relief and animal protection organization working with grassroots groups in the U.S. and internationally on feeding and food production programs. At the policy level, we promote nutritious plant-based foods as an animal-friendly, environmentally-friendly and efficient way to create a healthier, well-fed world for all.


Top Reports

  • Cultivating Risks - China and Animal Ag

    In an era of rising temperatures, moving away from animal agriculture could help China alleviate drought and food insecurity while cutting greenhouse-gas emissions, writes Mia MacDonald of Brighter Green.


    Over the past three decades, China has done an impressive job of ensuring national food security. However, intensification of animal agriculture means that “the livestock sector enters into more and direct competition for scarce land, water, and other natural resources”, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

  • Designing a Landscape for Sustainability

    http://actionbioscience.org/newfrontiers/phemister.htmlRead "Designing a Landscape for Sustainability" by AWFW's Landscape Specialist, Molly Phemister.  Her article appears in the New Frontiers section of ActionBioscience, an online peer-reviewed science journal.

  • Livestock #1 Cause of Global Warming

    "The environmental impact of the lifecycle and supply chain of animals raised for food has been vastly underestimated, and in fact accounts for at least half of all human-caused greenhouse gases (GHGs), according to Robert Goodland and Jeff Anhang, co-authors of "Livestock and Climate Change" in World Watch Magazine.

  • UN - FAO Recommends Livestock Tax

    "The [livestock] sector is consuming a large share of the world's resources... taxes and fees for natural resource use, should cause producers to internalise the costs of environmental damages."

feed more with less { cost energy pollution resources global warming


  • Gift e-Cards

    We customize your message on this adorable animated gift-donation e-card. The reverse side has space for a detailed message.


    Click for details and to view an e-card example.

  • NEW! Gift-Giving Campaign

    FMI - Save Them BOTH!Feed More International is our new gift-giving campaign that feeds people without harming animals.


    2011 FMI projects:

    ~Homeless Feedings: Ethiopia

    ~Soy Protein in Schools: Belize

    ~Community Garden for Soup Kitchen: U.S.

    ~Animal-Free Farming: Democratic Republic of Congo

  • 2012 Farm Bill - Factory Farm Subsidies

    The 2012 Farm Bill will allocate about $300 billion over the next five years. (It was more than $280 billion in 2008.)


    Reforming the Farm Bill is one of the most important steps for creating structural change and healthy food systems.


    AWFW is working with food, farm, animal, and environmental justice organizations to redirect subsidies away from factory farms and toward programs that support nutritious foods and sustainable farming.

  • New USDA & PCRM Dietary Guidelines

    The USDA released their new Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  This is the government's nutritional guidelines from which the MyPyramid food teaching graphic is derived. AWFW is an official MyPyramid Partner.


    Read details about the USDA's new recommendations and compare them to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine's -- PCRM's new Power Plate recommendations.

  • Ethiopian Conference & Homeless Feeding

    A Well-Fed World is proud to partner once again with the International Fund for Africa in sponsoring the first ever Ethiopian Vegan Conference (photos). After the conference, attendees fed nutritious vegan food to more than 100 homeless people in Addis Ababa (photos). It was the perfect way to launch the Ethiopian Vegan Association's new feeding program.

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