Archive for December, 2005

I think I did it…

Saturday, December 31st, 2005

When I got back from holidays recently over half of my email was spam. Frustrating… For the last two weeks I have been experimenting with different spam programs trying to find a suitable solution. None of them have grabbed me enough to spend my hard earned cash on. Then I had an idea… I have [...]

At last

Friday, December 30th, 2005

Grendel, Ian and I had planned to go to the river today, but as the breeze was quite moderate this morning we figured we’ve save the drive time and hit the ocean. Funnily enough as we left the marina it kicked up again and got nice and choppy! Anyway, we anchored inside the first reef [...]

Hamo’s Top 5 in 2005

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

Ok… here they are folks my top 5 reads for 2005… My favourite ‘most read’ blogs: At No.1 No Guarantees – Scott Vawser – fellow coach to youth pastors and also my own ministry/life coach. I like Scott as a bloke so naturally I enjoy reading his stuff. He is also on a very similar [...]

When is the Church really a business?

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

Matt, a Baptist youth pastor in Victoria and fellow Forge fellow asks this question free drop dead gorgeous on his blog. Some interesting debate here.

Taken to its logical conclusion…

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

I am a bit over the ‘incarnational / attractional debate’ and find myself yawning most days when it is raised, however this article highlights the dangers of simply doing whatever it takes to pull a crowd. If the aim of the game is to get more punters in the house on Sunday then why not [...]

Love this week!

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Its the holiday you have when you’re not on holidays! So few people are at work that its pointless trying to function as normal, so this week has been a ‘hanging with friends week’. We spent Monday in the park with local Brighton friends, Tuesday out [...]

With the Wind

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

Today we went to the zoo and then on the way home I had Danelle drop me around 20 kms from home so I could cycle the rest. I was pretty buggered from walking round the zoo all day, but the beauty of the ride home was that the wind was at my back the [...]

Merry Christmas from the Land of Oz

Sunday, December 25th, 2005

As a migrant from the northern hemisphere the hot Aussie Christmas has always felt a bit incongruous! This year we haven’t that problem much though. Today’s 27 C is about the hottest its been in the last month. Wherever you are thanks for taking the time to stop by and read and may you enjoy [...]

Hamo’s Christmas Thoughts

Saturday, December 24th, 2005

This was what I wrote as a ‘Christmas thought’ for our local Brighton newspaper: Last Christmas I sat and watched my kids while they unwrapped their presents. As they opened each gift in turn it seemed their focus was simply on getting that one out of the way so they could see what was in [...]

The Goss

Friday, December 23rd, 2005

It was great to catch up with Glen and Lara Goss and family yesterday. These guys are coming back to Oz in two years time to plant a church somewhere in the burbs, but for now are working and living in Atlanta. They are mates of Justin’s after being involved with their community recently – [...]