Archive for November, 2005

Here and There

Saturday, November 26th, 2005

As of today this blog will be given minimal attention for the next two weeks. We are off to the south west, partly to have a holiday and partly to do some coaching of the rural youth pastors. We will be in Margaret River until Friday when we shift across to Katanning until Monday and [...]

The Rev Comes to Town (Again)

Friday, November 25th, 2005

Tonight is another of Forge WA ‘Postcards’ evenings and this time we welcome back John Jensen who will be talking with us around the subject of ‘Just What is mission?’ If you know the Rev you’d know he’s engaging, provocative and has a great sense of humour. Here are the details : Date: Fri Nov [...]


Friday, November 25th, 2005

Barro is a top bloke doing the same kind of stuff as us only in the badlands (Melbourne) I met up with Steve at the Forge Dangerous Stories conference earlier in the year and connected really well. An earthy Oz bloke who is doing a great job in his local community.

Morphing Again

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005

The beauty of what we are doing here in Brighton is that it is a constant work in progress – always open to change and re-directing as we see the need. When we met last night we were discussing how we reshape ourselves again so others can join in more fully if they wish. Earlier [...]

Doing It

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005

There is a lot of talk in blog-land about new expressions of church and mission. Sometimes this catalyses to action and other times it simply spirals into navel gazing and pontificating. It is now official that ‘something is up’ in Joondalup. Scott, Matt and crew have been meeting this year and exploring missional community. Now [...]

Kids of the Year?…

Sunday, November 20th, 2005

Mrs Citizen of the year has taken off for the day running a scrapbooking workshop, so I am left home with the two delightful children. Yes… I was being a little sarcastic. We’ve been to MacDonalds for breakfast and the local RAAFA fete and now they are watching a video. I have just broken up [...]


Sunday, November 20th, 2005

Yesterday was the annual Brighton Celebration Day and my lovely wife received her award for being ‘Citizen of the Year’. Couldn’t think of a better winner! Thanks to those very special friends round here who have seen what Danelle does and appreciated it. She is an amazing woman and rarely if ever recognised. I know [...]

Understanding Willard

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

I am reading The Divine Conspiracy for the fourth time. Its not that I enjoyed it so much the first three – but rather that I never got past the first 50 pages each time. I just couldn’t get what he was on about. I would read… read…. daydream… daydream… and then give up. I [...]

TSK's Cuzz's Kick Ass Bible

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

My old kiwi friend is recommending a Bible developed by a distant relative. He reckons its a ‘kick ass Bible’! Here’s some stuff about the it bud abbott and lou costello in hit the ice movie download “The NET BIBLE is the first modern Bible to: The first to be completely free for you to [...]

Woohoo II

Wednesday, November 16th, 2005

My wife is a legend and the Aussie football team have made it to the world cup!