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    ‘SNL’ Recap: Alec Baldwin Gets an Apology From American Airlines (Sort Of)

    Alec Baldwin got the apology of his dreams on "Saturday Night Live" last night.

    A mustachioed American Airlines pilot who looked eerily like the "30 Rock" star stopped by "Weekend Update" to say sorry for kicking Baldwin off a plane on Wednesday for playing "Words With Friends" a little too long.

    It was a perfect capper on an absurd week, in which Baldwin inexplicably led off every entertainment news show because he slammed a door shut too loudly on an airplane. Baldwin turned it into the funniest bit of the night on "SNL," calling himself "an American treasure" and lamenting his struggles in the popular "word game for smart people."

    Then Stefon, everyone's favorite guide to New York City nightlife, joined "Weekend Update" immediately thereafter. This show got rolling so hard it needed to be retreaded.

    It's a little hard to try to explain Stefon to someone who hasn't seen Bill Hader's club-hopping character, so let's just rattle off some facts: Diminutive 1986 NBA Slam Dunk champion Spud Webb gets name-dropped twice. Hader does a perfect Wilford Brimley impression. And Stefon creates the best possible Hebrew superhero: Menorah the Explorer.

    But, really, you should just watch the clip. Stefon is going to have one of those big, blown-out "SNL" movies one day.

    Oh, and Katy Perry hosted! That happened. She was a little shy and out of place until she dropped all of her Katy Perry-ness to adopt a British accent and become Pippa Middleton.

    And the second she did it, she became — pardon the pun — a straight-up firework. Queen Elizabeth (played by Fred Armisen, naturally) gets raunchy in the sketch, so Perry's Pippa is willing to trade every British insult she knows at Her Majesty, whom Perry says "looks like Gandalf in drag."

    Perry rocked it, and she never even had to sing. She was a nice addendum — hey, we'll call her a firework again — on the best SNL in about a month.

    More From Hulu:
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    • turban cowboy 1 day 11 hours ago
      SNL hasn't been funny since the late 70's.
    • deborahs 19 days ago
      SNL has played out their jokes aren'r funny and I really don't know who watches them other than tired boring folks they portray!
    • Gigity Gigity 28 days ago
      Did Katy Perry select the musical guest performer? Poor, poor choice!
    • Gigity Gigity 28 days ago
      Alec is a jerk!
    • Gigity Gigity 28 days ago
      I hope that AA bans him from flying on their airlines for life!
    • Gigity Gigity 28 days ago
      Who selects the SNL musical guests as that blond who was on this week sucked!
    • Fast eddie the 3rd 28 days ago
      What an A.Z.Z. O you are baldiwn
    • weatherbird 28 days ago
      alec baldwin = dead career
    • Raymond 28 days ago
      I would have loved to be in the audience and heckle him during his bit. I wonder how long it would have been before he had me thrown out?
    • Red Catcher 28 days ago
      This guy is an idiot. Do what you want to do. As for me and my family we will NOT watch his films, plays, commercials, and will not do business with anyone foolish enough to use him as a spokesman.
    • ROBERT 28 days ago
    • Thomas 28 days ago
      He's not funny he's obnoxious. Trying to make fun of a situation in which you were a complete a-hole doesn't make it funny or take the heat off your behavior. I'm sure the airline pilots, attendants and passengers after bein delayed an hour because of your egotistical behavior weren't laughing and I'm sure the audience and members of SNL if they were on the plane wouldn't have laughed either. Grow up man, just grow and become part of the human race.
    • shirleyk 28 days ago
      I second "Alec is a jerk !! " Very cocky acting, snobish, and remember the phone call he made to his daughter and was swearing at her and calling her a "pig ! " Made headlines... Can't stand the guy ! Glad he was booted, and HE OWES AA an apology !!!!
    • robert p 28 days ago
      its sad that anyone would lot this cry baby use air time, but then again snl is something of the past like baldwin is, what he needs is this teeth kicked in
    • joan t 28 days ago
      Oh Alec, since you got an apology for being "booted off", do I get an apology too? I thought your spoof was Very Funny and Endearing!! The SNL writers wrote a great spoof. You are a Wonderful comedic actor. Some people thought you resembled Hitler with that mustache. You made me laugh. I hope things get better for you as far as this situation is concerned. You are a Fantastic actor and comedian.You were Ultra Funny in this spoof!
    • Libs just dont get it. 28 days ago
      He is a whiny jerk who didn't follow procedure, refused to cooperate, and then threw a tantrum when he was asked to comply or be removed. He is only using his "stardom" as a podium to continue this tirade.

      Thank you to the airline staff for their decision. You handled it the right way.
    • Ron 28 days ago
      Wow so how did this become political. I am expecting to read a comment explaining how this is President Obama's fault. Conservatives are just frustrated because they are looking and can't find a reasonably normal candidate to run against The President.
    • Zoltan 28 days ago
      Alec...Suicide is not a sin in many religions..Hint hint!
    • Joanie 28 days ago
      We needed a distraction from the Kartrashians. Alec Baldwin has always been an arrogant, self-absorbed ass and always will.
    • simon 28 days ago
      Alec is a conservative jerk.He and rush limbraugh both have pooppoop in their mouth