Logic Blunders and Continuity Errors Reoccur Weekly on 'Glee'

    Continuity and logic haven't been the biggest factors in "Glee's" television success. Only recently have story line and character development begun to outweigh the archetype characters and gimmicky themes that once propelled the show. As a result, blatant contradictions and logical errors show up in practically every episode. Some flubs are exposed online and can sometimes take a little nit-picking to spot; others, however, are too blatant to miss.

    The Club's Budget. Since Season 1, audiences were led to believe the New Directions was very tight on cash, having faced several budget cuts and threats of being disbanded. Nevertheless, each episode features highly elaborate rehearsal scenes with live bands, extravagant costumes and remarkable special effects. Audiences have seen the cast literally singing in the rain and walking in a winter wonderland, just for rehearsals. Despite the amount of money it would take to purchase, maintain and operate the props, lights and pyrotechnics needed to make the rehearsals happen, the club seems to struggle to find money for the smallest of things, from Christmas decorations to handicap-accessible transportation for Artie to attend Sectionals.

    The Omnipresent Musician(s). Speaking of money, how much does it cost to pay the sometimes professional musicians that follow the club members around? Brad the pianist (composer Brad Ellis), seems to be ever-present throughout the series' run. When a character wants to spontaneously serenade a lover or simply sing a ditty to him or herself, Brad is there to "take it away" on the keys. No one knows if he's a teacher, a hired pianist or just a figment of the casts' imagine. Nonetheless, it seems highly unlikely that anyone would have the time, strength or energy to do what he does for the glee club-at least not at the rates the New Directions can, or should only be able to, afford.

    Magical Music Abilities. While Brad's omnipresence is nothing short of miraculous, what's more astounding is the glee club's amazing ability to recall the lyrics, vocal registers and harmonies of practically any Top 40 song, even when they didn't know they'd have to sing it. This happens when someone in the group announces to the others that, for one reason or another, they'll perform a song for them. Sometimes, this person acknowledges that other members have helped them with the number. Other times, having not known what the song would be, the remaining members join the performance, flawlessly filling every musical mark required. Even more amazing is their ability to stay in tune the whole time, sometimes even managing to make a group of roughly 10 students sound like a 20-man choir. This is in addition to whatever in the room gives the kids the power to collectively project, sans microphones, and somehow autotune their vocal chords at will.

    Still, fans have reached a silent agreement with producers to accept the fallacies, choosing instead to focus on the show's novelty, cleverness and social commentary. The fact that EVERY scene begins with an annoying school bell that no one seems to acknowledge, or that class elections are held halfway through senior year, are minor trade-offs for some. Then again, such reoccurring flaws and inconsistencies, unexplained in the Glee diegesis, just may explain the show's decline in ratings.


    • LeoDollLover64  •  St Louis, Missouri  •  3 days ago
      I don't get why you consider these things continuity errors: I recall watching Home Improvement, Tim Allen's show, for years, always wondering why neighbor Earl kept his face hidden behind the fence, never DID see him until the finale...things like this are fun to me, the viewer, sort of a mini mystery if you will. To me these this doesn't detract from a show's appeal at all, it keeps me interested. I don't have to know the why of everything!
    • Ilonda  •  Atlanta, Georgia  •  1 day 18 hours ago
    • pinoyboy  •  24 days ago
      As a former fan (not a complete GLEEK, but fan nonetheless) I think the absence of logic and continuity are the reasons why ratings are down. They're also the reasons this show will never win best show emmy. Yes, the viewers want to be entertained and yes it's just a tv show. However, it's hard to imagine anyone over the age of 12 watching something so poorly written. There's too much dumbing down and too many over-the-top characters (i.e. Rachel, Kurt, Brittany, Santana, and Sue). The music numbers just aren't enough to keep me tuning in every week. I'd much rather watch NBC's The Sing Off. They have all of the music and none of the fake drama.
    • Christina  •  16 days ago
      I liked glee, and the music numbers are still entetaining, but I can't watch it anymore. The STORYLINES are inconsistent. I like my television shows(or books,or movies) to be consistent so I know where it's going. What the author of this article is talking about is complete #$%$ and no one cares about it.
    • Sharon  •  Washington, District of Columbia  •  23 days ago
      Glee is the most entertaining program on t v. The voices are amazing, the music current, the dancing top notch. I always feel good after watching Glee. Suspending belief?
      How about the Kardashans? Glee is good clean fun.
    • Gator  •  29 days ago
      We overlook those things because after all it is just a tv show. right?
    • justme  •  24 days ago
      Can't be any different than any other television show or movie that has spontaneous musical numbers in it as well. Did any one complain about the choregraphed dance numbers in Grease or the basketball team busting into moves in High School Musical? Just don't watch it, simple as that. Most TV doesn't hold to reality, let alone high school in general. Hell, let's throw in the fact all the student in GLEE are also over 18 and some even have Broadway talent while you're at it. I would personally would rather deal with GLEES' inconsistancies than most realilty shows or anything with a Kardashian!!
    • Rocky  •  28 days ago
      Vince, have you NEVER seen a musical, before? Music and dancing coming out of nowhere, perfectly performed, is part and parcel of musicals. Try renting 'Singing in the Rain' or 'On the Town' to see what it's all about. Admit it, you just wanted an opportunity to use the word "diegesis" -- even if you had to write a nonsense article to do it.
    • Jason Bales  •  28 days ago
      I was thinking this was going to point out plot holes, NOT nitpickily b!+{|-| about minor details that don't even really matter. Tricked again Yahoo! Brava.
    • David  •  28 days ago
      This is a ridiculous article. I'm an attorney and it doesn't bother me that "The Good Wife" or "Law and Order" can take a case to a jury trial in an hour. When we overlook certain necessary plot devices, it's called 'the willing suspension of disbelief.' Who the hell cares if some leeway is necessary to create a hour-long show?
    • Stormin'Norman  •  29 days ago
      I watch it to be entertained not to hunt for errors.
    • none  •  24 days ago
      Really! Does anyone watch Glee for realism? Get. A. Grip.
    • Patrick  •  28 days ago
      The author obviously takes himself and TV too seriously. Anyone with half a brain can see that this show is a fantasy. And when did a fantasy ever make sense? It is called ENTERTAINMENT, which means enjoy the music and the ridiculous situations the cast members find themselves in, but do not try to make sense of it. If you want reality, go sit in the park and peoplewatch!
    • Jonny  •  24 days ago
      if glee can get a second season, they better bring Terra Nova back for another season!!!!
    • Jana  •  25 days ago
    • Dakota  •  Los Angeles, California  •  24 days ago
      ilikeit itiscool
    • Dawud  •  24 days ago
      wat is this is dumb is hell
    • DennisB  •  Chicago, Illinois  •  3 days ago
      Vince: If Glee's story line and logic has you this troubled and critical, I'm guessing you were never a big fan of Gilligan's Island, or for that matter, Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner.