Coming Up

Celebrating Diversity & Rights, 10 Years of the ICI

On Sunday, the 18th of December 2011, the ICI will celebrate its Ten Year Anniversary in the City Hall, marking ten years of celebrating diversity and advocating for the rights of immigrants and their families in Ireland.

At the event, contributions will be made by Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland, Sr.Stan, founder of the ICI, Bryan Dobson, news presenter with RTÉ, Diana Bunici, presenter with RTÉ, and a host of other special guests.

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European Website on

This website provides information about the Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI), who we are, the services we provide and the work we do. It also provides important information for migrants about Ireland’s immigration system, laws and policies.


Featured Publication


Asylum seeking victims of human trafficking in Ireland:Legal and practical challenges

The Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI) received funding from the UN Global initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN GIFT) to provide legal representation to victims of human trafficking in Ireland.The ICI has invested in and developed an expertise in the provision of holistic legal representation for women and girls who have been subjected to human trafficking for sexual exploitation in the State. The ICI has a number of open legal cases that are at different stages of the Irish immigration and criminal investigation/prosecution processes. These cases involve women who have been trafficked to Ireland for the purposes of sexual exploitation, with many of them having been trafficked and exploited in other countries on route to Ireland. In the majority of cases, the clients had filed an asylum application before or after being referred to the ICI for legal representation, and they are the focus of the present report.

To read and download the report, please click on the following link:

Taking Racism Seriously: Migrants’ Experiences of Violence, Harassment and Anti-social Behaviour in the Dublin Area

The report of the racism research commissioned by the ICI and undertaken by Professor Bryan Fanning (University College Dublin) has been launched on October 4th 2011, in the Civic Offices at Wood Quay.

The research, funded by Dublin City Council, explored the experiences of people accessing the ICI’s anti-racism support services, a number of case studies and focus group interviews with Asian healthcare workers, Dublin Bus drivers and the LUAS’s revenue protection officers

To read and download the research, please click on the following link:

Taking Racism Seriously. PDF.

The Pathways to Parental Leadership project is an initiative of the ICI, funded by the Network of European Foundations for Innovative Cooperation through the European Programme for Integration and Migration. The project aims to facilitate migrant parents’ involvement in the school lives of their children. The overall objective of the project is to improve the quality of the education of migrant children and ultimately to strengthen the voice of migrants in the community. The toolkit is being aimed at schools and gives them advice on how to encourage parental involvement and meet the needs of a diverse society. It has been piloted in five schools around the Dublin area and was launched on 13th September 2011.

Please click here to view and download the Pathways to Parental Leadership Toolkit.

Please click here to view and download the Supplemental Materials for the Toolkit.


Living in Limbo 

The Immigrant Council of Ireland has launched its policy paper, "Living in Limbo - Migrants' Experiences of Applying for Naturalisation in Ireland".  This research, written by ICI Senior Solicitor Catherine Cosgrave, documents the stories of migrants who have applied, or wish to apply, for Irish citizenship, examines the process and compares the process here to those in other countries of immigration.   


Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union on Tuesday March 8, 2011.

The Court of Justice of the European Union has delivered a judgment that means that Irish citizen children have a right to live in Ireland with their migrant parents and be supported by them.  If you think this decision might have an impact on you, click here or please ring our Information and Referral Service on 01 674 0200.


 ICI's Integration Manager Fidele Mutwarasibo at the Metro Eireann Multicultural Awards (MAMA) on Tuesday the 25th of October 2011, where he won the Special Judges Award for his outstanding contribution to diversity over the past ten years.

 mama  Sr. Breege Keenan of the Vincentian Refugee Centre and ICI's Integration Manager Fidele Mutwarasibo. Photo by Metro Eireann.


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