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JfJfP comment

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Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


JfJfP statement on the flotilla interception

[See also the Scottish Jews for a Just Peace statement, 31 May 2010]

31 May 2010

Jews For Justice For Palestinians (the largest alternative voice of Jews in the UK or Europe) utterly condemns Israel’s aggressive military interception of the peaceful Free Gaza aid flotilla. We hold Israel responsible for the tragic deaths and injuries which this action caused.

We call on Israel to end the siege of Gaza which constitutes an illegal collective punishment of the whole population and to enter into good-faith negotiations for the establishment of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders.

We call on Her Majesty’s Government to condemn this act of piracy, perpetrated in international waters, and to do all in its power to protect the unarmed British civilians sailing in the flotilla. We also call on Her Majesty’s Government to acknowledge that the only way to prevent more outrages in future is for Israel to end its occupation and settlement of Palestinian land and agree to the creation of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders.

JfJfP signatory Moris Farhi MBE, the Turkish-born novelist and Vice President International PEN, said “I am outraged by the Israeli assault on the ships portaging aid to Gaza. Executed, in international waters, against unarmed civilians committed to a humanitarian undertaking and exacting a horrendous death toll, this attack is as vile a terror act as those committed by Islamic terrorists against Israel. It is time for the Israelis to open their eyes and see that their deadliest enemy is not outside the country’s borders but inside, in the corridors of the Knesset.”

JfJfP signatories are attending today’s demonstration [31st May]  opposite Downing Street.

Scottish Jews for a Just Peace statement

Scottish Jews for a Just Peace join with thousands across Scotland and the world in condemning Israel’s brutal attack in international waters on the international aid convoy that was headed for Gaza. Despite Israel’s cynical attempts to control the news, this can only be understood as a massacre committed by Israeli forces This international convoy was carrying vital aid to the besieged people of Gaza. It included thousands of pounds worth of medicines, clothes, toys and building materials donated by people across the world, including citizens of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen. The goods being carried by the ships are all things that the Israeli government has denied the people of Gaza in a collective punishment that has turned the Gaza Strip into a giant prison camp. The flotilla is the result of international outrage at what is happening and included 800 politicians and activists from 40 countries, including 25 EU Parliamentarians. We hope that this flagrant attack will bring the Israeli government the condemnation it deserves, including from within Israel itself.

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