
Father and son killed by air-raid on nearby militants’ base

The Killing: On 9 December at around 2:00 am, the Israeli Air Force shelled an area near an alleged al-Qassam Brigades military base, known as al-Maqousi, killing Bahjat Ramadan al-Za’lan and his 10-year-old son, Ramadan. The shelling took place ten minutes after a gro...

Israel Continues Violent Repression of Peaceful Protests

Protester dies after being struck in the head by tear gas canister. Today’s reports confirm the tragic death of Mustafa Tamimi, 28 years old – who was struck in the head by a tear gas canister fired by an Israeli soldier at point blank range during the weekly protest i...

‘Land Swap’ Agreements under Occupation are Illegal

New Al-Haq Position Paper Examines Legality of Territorial Exchange Al-Haq is pleased to announce the publication of “Exploring the Illegality of ‘Land Swap’ Agreements under Occupation.” The new position paper examines the legal implications of ‘land swap’ agreement...

The Right to Water - A Policy of Denial and Forced Displacement in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Palestinian Council of Human Rights Organisations (PCHRO) contribution to European External Action Service regarding implementation of EU-Israel Action Plan in 2011. I. Introduction: In view of the EU’s “New and Ambitious Neighbourhood Policy”1  (ENP) and the upc...

Al-Haq’s Rejoinder to Gisha’s "Scale of Control" Position Paper: Israel’s Continued Responsibility as the Occupying Power in the Gaza Strip

Monday, 12 December 2011 13:23 Ref.: 406/2011

castlead-operationIn response to the publication by the Israeli human rights organisation Gisha of a position paper, ‘Scale of Control: Israel’s Continued Responsibility in the Gaza Strip’ in November 2011, Al-Haq has prepared a rejoinder to the paper in order to clarify the applicable legal framework setting out Israel’s responsibilities towards the population in the occupied Gaza Strip.


Israel’s Illegal Freeze of Palestinian Tax Revenue

Tuesday, 06 December 2011 22:38 Ref.: 396/2011


Open letter to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Ashton

Dear High Representative,

As an organisation dedicated to the promotion and protection of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Al-Haq is gravely concerned about Israel’s recurrent practice of withholding tax revenues belonging to the occupied Palestinian population, which further exacerbates their already vulnerable living conditions.


Human rights organisations call on Israel to lift travel ban on Shawan Jabarin

Tuesday, 29 November 2011 14:25 Ref.: 375/2011


The following press release was issued by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and B’Tselem.

 (Jerusalem, November 29, 2011) – Israeli authorities in the West Bank should lift the travel ban imposed since 2006 on West Bank resident Shawan Jabarin, the director of the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and B’Tselem said today.


UN Advocacy

Open Letter to Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon on the occasion of the UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-MoonUnited Nations Secretary-General760 United Nations PlazaNew York, NY 10017 Dear Secretary-General, As a Palestinian organisation dedicated to the protection and promotion of hu »
Israel under review at the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Today, the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the Committee) will begin its review of Israel’s human rights record at its 47th session in Geneva. In light of this occa »
Palestine’s Admission to UNESCO: A Victory for Human Rights
As an organisation dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Al-Haq welcomes the admission of Palestine to the United Nations Educational, »

The Russell Tribunal

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: Israel’s policies amount to Apartheid
Operating as a court of the people, the Russell Tribunal on Palestine held its third international session on 5-6 November 2011 in the symbolic city of Cape Town, South Africa. The Russell Tribunal on »
The Russell Tribunal On Palestine Cape Town Session: Summary Of Findings, 7 November 2011
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RToP) is an international citizen-based Tribunal of conscience created in response to the demands of civil society (NGOs, charities, unions, faith-based organisation »
Al-Haq to testify at the Russell Tribunal on Palestine
Al-Haq will be participating in the Third International Session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, to be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 5-7 November 2011. International legal experts and pro »


Al-Haq submits oral evidence in Hermes case
On 31 October 2011, Al-Haq gave oral evidence in a hearing before the Committee of Appeals deciding on the objection against the decision of the Stadsregio Arnhem/Nijmegen, a Dutch local authority, to »
Al-Haq submits formal objection to €1bn public contract for Hermes
Al-Haq has instructed Van den Biesen Boesveld advocates, Amsterdam, to submit a formal objection against the decision of Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen, a Dutch local authority, to award a one billion Eur »
The Case Against Riwal: Corporate Complicity in International Crimes
  Introduction In March 2010, Al-Haq instructed Dutch lawyers to submit a criminal complaint to the Dutch public prosecutor alleging that a Dutch company, Riwal, was complicit in the commissio »

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