December 18 2011

7 Has NYT become an ‘existential threat’? Oren says Friedman column was ‘dangerous’
Philip Weiss

4 ‘Silly messianic superstitious nationalistic … waste of Judaism’ (Did Hitchens abandon these ideas?)
Philip Weiss

7 ‘The Social Network’ and the Acceptance World
David Bromwich

14 Important tantrum: Netanyahu adds ‘NYT’ and Thomas Friedman to growing list of enemies
Philip Weiss

17 Israel is incapable of taking on the settlers
Philip Weiss

5 New details emerge on IDF interrogation methods of prisoners

13 Kinsley ran many pieces in ‘New Republic’ opposing Palestinian statehood even though he didn’t agree
Philip Weiss

12 Video: army brutalizes demonstrators in Cairo
Philip Weiss

December 17 2011

14 Assailed on Facebook for Tel Aviv gig, British musician Joker appears to back out
Philip Weiss

34 Mainstream press sniggers at Ron Paul’s antiwar message
Philip Weiss

58 Is portrait of Mark Zuckerberg in ‘The Social Network’ anti-Semitic?
Philip Weiss

19 Time Magazine says 2011 was the year of the Protester. We agree!
Allison Deger

4 More funding for Jewish museums in the West Bank

19 Turn of the screw: EU considers making inequality of Israeli Palestinians a ‘core issue’
Annie Robbins

71 Liberal Zionists (at last) say non-Jews have a right to criticize Israel
Philip Weiss

December 16 2011

9 Occupy Olympia launches Rachel Corrie Community Center
Phan Nguyen

44 Obama says nothing about Palestinians– because Indyk says Netanyahu has Congress in his ‘back pocket’
Philip Weiss

49 ‘Christopher Hitchens’s loathing for Israel…’ –John Podhoretz
Philip Weiss

109 Iraq– I’m sorry
Annie Robbins

40 Give it up to Hitchens!
Philip Weiss

156 Ron Paul’s stunning antiwar performance: Iran threat recalls Iraq, ‘a useless war that killed 1 million Iraqis’ and 8000 Americans
Philip Weiss

18 Adelson is helping Gingrich, as he once helped Bush
Philip Weiss

30 US and Israel march in lockstep towards expansion of military detention
Alex Kane

78 ‘Bought-and-paid-for Congress’ passes Iran sanctions, 410-11
Philip Weiss

84 Hitchens’s Jewishness
Philip Weiss