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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

JfJfP comment

Listen again

Fiona Wright in conversation with Abeer Baker and Anat Matar, editors of Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Exile (Pluto Press).


Ethnic cleansing is what drives Israel’s policy towards Palestinians

A bullying, looting regime, blanketed in self-pitying myth, bent on clearing the entire land of Palestinians. If this blog came from an Arab many would like to dismiss it as typical hyperbole. It is written by Israeli son of IDF General Peled, based on his accumulated experience and research

Ultra-orthodox soldiers say will leave IDF over women singing

Rabbi Moshe Ravad, Chief Rabbi of the Israel Air Force, resigned his position because haredi soldiers have not been exempted from events with women singing. Some soldiers have said they will put halachic law before state law and leave the armed forces

Israeli state cedes violent enforcer role to settlers and right-wing gangs

Settler and right-wing gangs now recognise no limit to their power: from Palestinians and peace protesters through sacred places to the IDF itself. Few of the thugs are ever arrested let alone punished. A diatribe from +972 and news repor from Ma’an

It is worse than words can say, half of his face was blown off

Mustafa Tamimi, a well-known activist in the non-violent Palestinian resistance, was killed last Friday by a tear gas canister shot directly into his face by an Israeli soldier. For once, this killing of a Palestinian was reported by media outside Palestine – a testimony to the power of photographic evidence. His friend reports.

Right-wing rabbis’ rule in IDF today

The rule of ultra-Othodox and right-wing rabbis over what soldiers should eat, the role of women and whom they should admire (killer Yigal Amir not killed Yitzhak Rabin) is causing consternation amongst older generals and fearful compliance amongst younger ones. Haaretz report.

Screws to be kept turned on Abbas

The IDF want to release some Fatah prisoners to bolster Abbas’s weakened Palestinian Authority against Hamas. But Netanyahu and his close advisers are determined to maintain pressure on Abbas as punishment for his unilateral bid for UN recognition of a Palestinian state.

‘I was busier protecting the Arabs from the settlers rather than settlers from the Arabs’

We post here the first four and the last of 57 testimonies collected by Breaking the Silence through interviews with nearly 40 soldiers who have served in Hebron during thepast three years. There is also video testimony on their website

‘Price-tag’ settlers out of control

‘Price-tag’ thugs – whose violent assaults on Palestinians is the price the settlers exact for any infringment of settlers’ ‘right’ to occupy what land they want – have increased their reach- more Palestinian homes, mosques, people and now an IDF base. Netanyahu wonders how to control the monster he has nurtured

IDF fire tear gas at Palestinians to stop demonstration, and for fun

An IDF reservist reports on the gulf between official policy – which includes enforcing curfews and not firing tear gas at civilians – and the reality of bored, anti-Arab soldiers and officers

Settlers’ aggression crosses line into terrorism; what is Israel doing?

West Bank settlers have moved from harrassment, land seizure and house demolition into acts to terrorise Palestinians into leaving. Two news reports from Ma’an News are followed by a blog from One Democracy

The refugee massacre at Sabra and Shatila remembered

Three of many anniversary postings: in 1982 a camp in Lebanon for Palestinian and other refugees, surrounded by the IDF, was entered by a Phalangist militia who killed 800-3500 refugees. The horror of the event has been a potent factor for Palestinians demanding the right of return.

What the Palmer Panel didn’t know about the laws of sea and land

Disappointment with the Palmer report on the flotilla invasion has been intense – but, writes Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the OPT, one look at how the panel was constituted explains why it lacked the expertise to have found the IDF action and blockade of Gaza unlawful

Arming against ‘September’ lets Netanyahu avoid reform

Caught between hysteria at the prospect of ‘September’ and inertia as history moves on, Netanyahu’s government – and settlers – prepare for violence after the UN vote Thus they destroy hopes of reform writes Uvi Avnery

Palestinians accused and IDF warned of war crimes

B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, responds to last week’s violence with a charge against ‘Palestinians’ (1st) of actual war crimes and a warning to the IDF (2nd) of potential crimes. Its data of Palestinian attacks covers a seven year period.

US Senator wants aid stripped from IDF units in West Bank, Gaza

Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy proposes bill to take US subsidy from elite IDF units which, he alleges, commit acts that violate human rights in the Gaza strip and occupied territories

Protests at IDF night time raid on Freedom Theater, Jenin

In a letter to the Israeli ambassador to the UK, the JfJfP expresses its shock and dismay at the violent arrests of Freedom Theater staff. A press release from the theatre follows, detailing the events. Last is a news report from Haaretz aking if the use of the army is connected to the murder last April of the theatre’s founder, Juliano Mer-Khamis

IDF boarded Mavi Marmara ‘with intention to kill’. Sorrow, not sorry, required

Despite criticism of the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara in 2010, (Aviel Magnezi) the UN commission, headed by Geoffrey Palmer, has, say Israeli media, also judged the raid itself, and Israel’s blockade of Gaza, to be legal. There is as yet no date for the publication of the report (Barak Ravid, Jonathan Lis)

IDF: “We are heading for a murky period that hides many dangers”

As the navy prepares for the Stay Human flotilla to Gaza, the IDF tries to prepare for any Palestinian response to the September UN declaration of statehood

IDF develops tactics as refugee surge continues


On Naksa day – the June 5 anniversary of the 1967 ‘setback’ when Israel occupied the Syrian Golan Heights etc – Lebanon and Hamas stopped people marching on the border. As the Syrian government now favours such protest, the IDF is preoccupied with stopping them

People defy the walls

electronic intifada

Uri Avnery, first, and then Ali Abunimah respond to the violence of the IDF against unarmed Palestinians trying to cross a border erected against them