A national coalition of more than 380 groups, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation works to end U.S. support for Israel's occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. We support a U.S. policy that upholds freedom, justice and equality.

Today's Highlights

Ending the Occupation:

It's the Law.

One of our best fact sheets discusses international law in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Educate your community about the rights to: self-determination, freedom from discrimination, resistance to illegal occupation.

Do you work for human rights?

Join the Club!

Human rights advocates are often under-sourced and over-stretched. But by pooling our resources, we sustain our work and build the coalition we need in order to channel our diverse efforts into a torrent of support for policies that uphold freedom, justice and equality.

Students in the Washington Area:

Intern With Us!

The US Campaign is seeking interns for Spring Semester 2012. Interns work 10-30 hours per week under supervision of the US Campaign staff in its Washington, DC, office. Interns are needed to help in our following programmatic areas: Policy, BDS, Media / Tech Support, and Coalition Building.

Get Creative:

Do an Ad Campaign!

Member groups of the US Campaign are running ad campaigns in their cities to highlight the moral and financial costs of the United States giving Israel $30 billion in weapons. You never know where you'll see an ad -- perhaps on a billboard, train, or bus near you. Check it out!