Why onshore assessments with a genuine regional protection framework is the most humane, cost effective, practical, long term and effective option for Australia.

While deterring people not to take a dangerous trip by sea in search of safety, Australia must provide asylum seekers another option. Just telling asylum seekers "don't come or we'll punish you" doesn't provide safety for them or their families.

Lifting protection standards in the region so they can safely apply for UNHCR protection in Malaysia or Indonesia, with faster assessment and resettlement options will take away the need for refugees to risk their lives on the high seas.

Greens MPs, 22nd December 2011

Here's how to create long-term, safer pathways to Australia for asylum seekers

The sight of the two big parties exchanging and releasing letters on Tuesday was a performance that gave little hope for a sensible, humane or long-term response to the complex humanitarian issue of asylum seekers.

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Greens MPs, 16th December 2011

What a year!

Greens MPs, 14th December 2011

New intervention measures are based on the wrong approach

Greens MPs, 13th December 2011

Coalition out of step on marriage equality

Greens MPs, 10th December 2011

An Australian Abroad

Senator Bob Brown press conference - November 15, 2011

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said today the prospect of selling uranium to India will horrify many Australians and is a giant step towards another backflip by both major parties: hosting a global nuclear waste dump in Australia in the years to come.

As well as Prime Minister Julia Gillard's flouting of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, Senator Brown commented on the old parties' stance on equal marriage.