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brayton_headshot_wre_1443.jpg Ed Brayton is a journalist, commentator and speaker. He is the co-founder and president of Michigan Citizens for Science and co-founder of The Panda's Thumb. He has written for such publications as The Bard, Skeptic and Reports of the National Center for Science Education, spoken in front of many organizations and conferences, and appeared on nationally syndicated radio shows and on C-SPAN. Ed is also a Fellow with the Center for Independent Media and the host of Declaring Independence, a one hour weekly political talk show on WPRR in Grand Rapids, Michigan.(static)


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Ed Brayton also blogs at Positive Liberty and The Panda's Thumb

Ed Brayton is a participant in the Center for Independent Media New Journalism Program. However, all of the statements, opinions, policies, and views expressed on this site are solely Ed Brayton's. This web site is not a production of the Center, and the Center does not support or endorse any of the contents on this site.

Ed's Audio and Video

Declaring Independence podcast feed

YearlyKos 2007

Video of speech on Dover and the Future of the Anti-Evolution Movement

Audio of Greg Raymer Interview

E-mail Policy

Any and all emails that I receive may be reprinted, in part or in full, on this blog with attribution. If this is not acceptable to you, do not send me e-mail - especially if you're going to end up being embarrassed when it's printed publicly for all to see.

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March 31, 2011

Supreme Court Strengthens Prosecutorial Immunity

In an appalling 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed and even strengthened prosecutorial immunity, extending it from personal immunity to a stronger form of agency immunity as well. The case is Connick v Thompson, where Connick is the former...

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Dumbass Quote of the Day

From budding religious right superstar Jim Garlow: Isn't it interesting that the African Americans that were brought here against their will, coercively, in bondage, in chains, in a horrific experience called slavery. They were forced here and they end up...

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1000 Rebels in Libya?

On CNN, they are interviewing a reporter on the ground, one of the most respected war correspondents around, who says that there are less than 1,000 rebel fighters in Libya fighting against the government. If that's true, it would certainly...

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Gingrich Losing Popularity at Right Time

Though I'm sure he views it as the wrong time. About two years ago, Newt Gingrich began a rather obvious attempt to resurrect his public image in anticipation of running for president. It began with his conversion to Catholicism and...

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Barber "Explains" Gay Suicide

The utterly repulsive Matt Barber of the absurdly misnamed Liberty Counsel "explains" the high rate of gay teen suicides. Barber concluded by claiming that "kids who are engaging in homosexual behavior often look inward and know that what they are...

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Barton's Bullshit

David Barton gave a talk at the Rediscovering God conference -- little more than a political rally for Republicans, actually -- just full of the kind of overly simplistic and flat out false claims he makes about American history. He...

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Bachmann's Son: Intellectual Poser

Here's a statement written by Michelle Bachmann's son, Lucas, who advises her campaign. It absolutely leaps off the screen as a textbook example of someone trying really, really hard to sound far more intelligent and well educated than they actually...

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So Much for That Theory

We heard the bigots declare endlessly that if Don't Ask Don't Tell was lifted, chaplains -- not to mention regular soldiers -- would leave the military in droves. Now that they're actually training chaplains for the change in policy, guess...

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March 30, 2011

Silly Anti-Choice Billboard

A group of anti-abortion types are taking out billboards in Chicago that feature Obama's face and this silly statement: And so is the next possible serial killer, reality TV star or boy band member. And I'm not sure which is...

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Palin on Obama's Libya Speech

I didn't watch Obama's speech on Libya but I did catch the last bit of Greta Van Susteren's interview with Sarah Palin about the speech after it was done. I was struck by several things. First, Van Susteren actually invoked...

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