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latest news

In defence of the oil workers

10/01/2012: Union bureaucracy and ’left’ groups attack CWI’s solidarity with strikers


New round of austerity announced by unelected Greek Prime Minister

10/01/2012: Xekinima national meeting discusses balance sheet of 2011’s class struggles and prospects for workers’ fight-back in 2012


For a strategy and tactics to ensure total victory in fuel subsidy battle

09/01/2012: For a serious fight against President’s New Year "gift". No rotten compromise!

  Africa, Nigeria

Curfew and state of emergency extended in Zhanaozen

09/01/2012: Nazarbayev regime cancels elections in city

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Nigeria solidarity
Hundreds protest at London embassy

09/01/2012: Diaspora protest against fuel subsidy removal


New government is no reason to celebrate

06/01/2012: General strike called for 30 January against austerity


General strike against fuel price hike

05/01/2012: For all out mass action from 9 January!


Fuel price hike sees explosion of anger

04/01/2012: Labour should declare two-days of mass actions including general strike and mass protests


Turbulent 2011

04/01/2012: 2011 - marked by an intense and deepening crisis within the economic and social structures of European capitalism and the dramatic manifestations of that crisis in Ireland

  Ireland Republic

Socialism more popular than capitalism among youth and African Americans

01/01/2012: The occupy movement brought opposition to capitalism from the margins into the mainstream


 Outlook for 2012
A world in turmoil

31/12/2011: Review of 2011 - A period of revolution and counterrevolution

  CWI Comment And Analysis, Video

Putting unemployed youth on the map

30/12/2011: Youth Fight for Jobs and the Jarrow march

  Britain, Youth

Boko Haram’s Christmas bombings

28/12/2011: Working masses must unite against descent into anarchy


Solidarity with Kazakh workers

28/12/2011: Picket in New York protests against the Kazakh mission to the UN

  Solidarity, US

Market rule or party rule?

27/12/2011: Review - "The Party: The secret world of China’s Communist rulers", by Richard McGregor, Allen Lane, 2010, £25

  China, Review

Miners’ union supports Kazakh oil workers

26/12/2011: "A victory for workers anywhere is a victory for the workers everywhere!"

  Kazakhstan, Sweden

The birth of Bangladesh

26/12/2011: Forty years ago, Bangladesh became an independent state, breaking away from Pakistan.

  Bangladesh, History

"Oil is slavery; there is no democracy!"

22/12/2011: Russian press describe torture of detained oil workers & police reign of terror

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Graphic footage of massacre

21/12/2011: New video shows riot police shooting unarmed protesters in Zhanaozen

  Kazakhstan, Video

Hong Kong
Protest against Kazakhstan massacre

21/12/2011: More international solidarity and support

  Hong Kong, Kazakhstan

Protests in Germany

21/12/2011: Campaign Kazakhstan demonstrates in Berlin and Cologne

  Germany, Kazakhstan

Lobby demands no retreat on pensions

21/12/2011: Name the date for the next strike!


North Korea
Death of Kim Jong-Il

20/12/2011: Stalinist nightmare continues

  Korea, North Korea

No progress at climate conference

20/12/2011: When is an agreement not an agreement? When it’s an agreement to reach an agreement in the future…


We are not rioters – the government must resign


  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Paul Murphy demands Nazarbayev resign

18/12/2011: "European union must break off talks with Kazakhstan!"


Bloody attack has not defeated striking workers

17/12/2011: UPDATE @ 22:30 GMT - Only united and extensive workers’ action can end this dictatorial regime


Banking crisis looms

17/12/2011: Government debt soars to ‘European’ levels following massive stimulus programme


 Urgent Solidarity
Reported 70 Dead & 500 wounded by riot police in Kazakhstan

16/12/2011: LATEST UPDATE 17:54 GMT Breaking News: Peaceful protesters & supporters of striking oil workers fired upon

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Solidarity protests held at Kazakh embassies

16/12/2011: Protests in Berlin, London, Vienna, Brussels Update 18:15 GMT Swedish Protests

  Belgium, Britain, Germany, Kazakhstan

Campaign Kazakhstan press release

16/12/2011: Campaign Kazakhstan press statement and demands


89 days on strike

16/12/2011: Hospital workers achieve minimum wage



Tamil Refugees:Protest against vile ill-treatment of refugees in Indonesia

21/04/2010, More than 100 refugees, who have been held in a tiny boat near Merak port in Indonesia for over seven months, have been moved to the Tanjung Pinang detention centre.
Statement by Tamil Solidarity campaign

International Solidarity: Grant asylum to refugees held in Indonesia

06/03/2010, Protest against Australian/Indonesian government.
CWI supporters

Indonesia: Corruption scandals

19/02/2010, SBY government’s honeymoon spoiled
Anthony Main, Socialist Party (CWI Australia)

Indonesia: Occupation of Istana factory continues

21/12/2009, Interview with union Chairman, Kiswoyo
Socialist Party reporters (CWI in Australia)

Indonesia: Eyewitness report from refugee boat in Merak

23/11/2009, Deplorable conditions for 254 Tamil refugees
Socialist Party reporters (CWI in Australia)

Indonesia: Tamil-speaking refugees on boat in desperate situation

10/11/2009, Bombard embassies with protests!

Indonesia: Death of Suharto

30/01/2008, “One of the 20th century’s biggest killers and greatest thieves”
Clare Doyle, CWI

Indonesia: more horrific bombings

05/10/2005, For workers’ unity across ethnic and religious divides
By Anthony Main, Socialist Party (cwi Australia), Melbourne, Tuesday 4 October 2005

Indonesia: Corruption, crisis and disillusionment

04/06/2004, As over 120 Millon Indonesians went to the polls on April 5th they were faced with a stark choice. Of the two major parties on offer was incumbent Democratic Party of Indonesia led by President Megawati Sukarnopoutri which for the past 5 years has failed to tackle any of the problems facing the ordinary people of Indonesia. The other major "choice" open to voters was Golkar, the party machine which supported the military dictator of 30 years, Soeharto.
Yorran Pelekanakis, Socialist Party, Australia

Indonesia: Aceh - Indonesian army unleashes bloody assault

28/05/2003, Aceh
Socialist Party, Australia

Indonesia: Terrorism and state terrorism

20/10/2002, THE BOMBING of a tourist area on the Indonesian island of Bali has been blamed by Western governments on the Jemaah Islamiah Islamic group with links to Osama bin Laden’s al-Qa’ida terrorist network.
From The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party, England and Wales section of the CWI.

Indonesia: Bali terror attack

14/10/2002, The horrific bombings at the nightclubs in Bali have left up to 300 Australians dead, the biggest toll since the 500+ killed in the Vietnam War. The victims were overwhelmingly young people, mainly working class youth on end of season football tours or once-in-a-lifetime holidays. The victims also include the many hundreds physically injured some of whom will experience psychological trauma for the rest of their lives.
Steve Jolly, Socialist Party, Australia

Indonesia: Bali bombings

14/10/2002, The terrifying carnage which ripped through the Sari nightclub at Kuta beach in Bali, Indonesia, has shocked working people and youth internationally. Hundreds have been left maimed and injured as the death toll rose to nearly 200 (at the time of writing) during Saturday night and Sunday. Amongst the dead were young people from Britain, Canada, Germany, Indonesia and especially from Australia.
CWI analysis, 14 October, 2002

Indonesia: After Wahid

20/08/2001, The bitter power struggle between rival factions of Indonesia’s ruling elite came to a head this summer. The People’s Consultative Assembly completed a nine-month campaign to oust president Abdurrahman Wahid, voting 591-0 on 23 July to replace him with his deputy, Megawati Sukarnoputri.
Niall Mulholland, CWI

Indonesia: New clashes

01/06/2001, Supporters of Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid clashed violently with police last week in the capital Jakarta. This follows renewed efforts by the national parliament to impeach the head of state.
Niall Mulholland

Indonesia: Showdown

05/05/2001, A FIERCE struggle is consuming Indonesia’s national parliament, as various parties attempt to unseat the president, Abdurrahman Wahid.
Niall Muholland

Further articles on 'Indonesia':




Outlook for 2012: A world in turmoil, 31/12/2011

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Por Tony Saunois

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