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latest news

Socialism more popular than capitalism among youth and African Americans

01/01/2012: The occupy movement brought opposition to capitalism from the margins into the mainstream


 Outlook for 2012
A world in turmoil

31/12/2011: Review of 2011 - A period of revolution and counterrevolution

  CWI Comment And Analysis, Video

Putting unemployed youth on the map

30/12/2011: Youth Fight for Jobs and the Jarrow march

  Britain, Youth

Boko Haram’s Christmas bombings

28/12/2011: Working masses must unite against descent into anarchy


Solidarity with Kazakh workers

28/12/2011: Picket in New York protests against the Kazakh mission to the UN

  Solidarity, US

Market rule or party rule?

27/12/2011: Review - "The Party: The secret world of China’s Communist rulers", by Richard McGregor, Allen Lane, 2010, £25

  China, Review

Miners’ union supports Kazakh oil workers

26/12/2011: "A victory for workers anywhere is a victory for the workers everywhere!"

  Kazakhstan, Sweden

The birth of Bangladesh

26/12/2011: Forty years ago, Bangladesh became an independent state, breaking away from Pakistan.

  Bangladesh, History

"Oil is slavery; there is no democracy!"

22/12/2011: Russian press describe torture of detained oil workers & police reign of terror

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Graphic footage of massacre

21/12/2011: New video shows riot police shooting unarmed protesters in Zhanaozen

  Kazakhstan, Video

Hong Kong
Protest against Kazakhstan massacre

21/12/2011: More international solidarity and support

  Hong Kong, Kazakhstan

Protests in Germany

21/12/2011: Campaign Kazakhstan demonstrates in Berlin and Cologne

  Germany, Kazakhstan

Lobby demands no retreat on pensions

21/12/2011: Name the date for the next strike!


North Korea
Death of Kim Jong-Il

20/12/2011: Stalinist nightmare continues

  Korea, North Korea

No progress at climate conference

20/12/2011: When is an agreement not an agreement? When it’s an agreement to reach an agreement in the future…


We are not rioters – the government must resign


  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Paul Murphy demands Nazarbayev resign

18/12/2011: "European union must break off talks with Kazakhstan!"


Bloody attack has not defeated striking workers

17/12/2011: UPDATE @ 22:30 GMT - Only united and extensive workers’ action can end this dictatorial regime


Banking crisis looms

17/12/2011: Government debt soars to ‘European’ levels following massive stimulus programme


 Urgent Solidarity
Reported 70 Dead & 500 wounded by riot police in Kazakhstan

16/12/2011: LATEST UPDATE 17:54 GMT Breaking News: Peaceful protesters & supporters of striking oil workers fired upon

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Solidarity protests held at Kazakh embassies

16/12/2011: Protests in Berlin, London, Vienna, Brussels Update 18:15 GMT Swedish Protests

  Belgium, Britain, Germany, Kazakhstan

Campaign Kazakhstan press release

16/12/2011: Campaign Kazakhstan press statement and demands


89 days on strike

16/12/2011: Hospital workers achieve minimum wage


Prime Minister Cameron’s Euro move shows government’s weakness

15/12/2011: Conservatives speak for rich, not workers


General strike is answered with military siege

15/12/2011: President announces 60-day state of emergency


Joe Higgins calls for mass non-payment campaign

15/12/2011: Billions flow to ultra-rich, unsecured bond holders and speculators as workers told to pay more. Defeat the household tax!

  Ireland Republic, Video

Monti government arouses huge anger of workers

14/12/2011: General strike sets the pace


Third Congress of PSOL

14/12/2011: Attempt to block electoral alliances with ruling parties fails


Paul Murphy MEP grills Barroso

13/12/2011: "Stability union" is "eurocratic newspeak" for suspending democracy and enshrining austerity

  Europe, Video

World and European perspectives
A system in crisis

13/12/2011: Capitalist chaos – class struggle sharpens

  CWI Comment And Analysis

“Putin is a thief! Putin is a thief!”

13/12/2011: 100,000 protest in Moscow and 100 cities over rigged elections


Tens of thousands rally calling for nationalisation of steel plant

08/12/2011: "Without our work, your capital isn’t worth a penny!"



Turkey / Kurdistan: Erdoğan escalates attacks on PKK

26/08/2011, Attempts to form a new left umbrella party
Nihat Boyraz, SAV (CWI Germany), and Jan Kowalski, CWI

Iraq: All eyes on the oil prize

01/03/2010, It Is nearly seven years after the US-led invasion of Iraq. US imperialism had hoped for a quick war, the Iraqi oil industry under the control of US companies and a compliant, stable regime. However, the situation today is very different to what George Bush and Tony Blair envisaged.
Chris Newby

Iraqi Kurdistan: Police attack protests

21/08/2006, August 6 saw 4,000 people take to the streets of Chamchamal, a Kurdish city in northern Iraq, in protest against the huge increase in fuel prices and the lack of water and electric.
Rozh Pavilov, cwi

Kurdistan: Kurdish ‘Intifada’ in Iran

10/09/2005, Oppressed workers and poor resist regime
Tim Lessells, Socialist Party, England and Wales

Kurdish people’s struggle: No trust in imperialist powers

25/06/2004, Since the war on Iraq, the Kurds have stood out in stark contrast to the rest of the Middle East.
Paula Mitchell, Socialist Party

Kurdistan: Turkey continues repression of Kurds

17/11/2002, Kurdish people, known as the Kurds, live in an area that consists of south-eastern Turkey, northern Iraq, north-western Iran and a part of Syria.
Stephen Smellie

Women: Kurdistan - CWI campaigns around the world

03/03/1999, International Women’s Day. cwi Kurdistan campaign.
Reports compiled by CWI online

Kurdistan: Abdullah Ocalan’s abduction

01/03/1999, The abduction of the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan by Turkish secret services has sparked furious mass protests by Kurds and more than ever internationalised the Kurdish question. The CWI stands with the oppressed Kurdish people and supports and campaigns for their right to self-determination.
Issued by the Committee for a Workers’ International, 1 March 1999

Kurdistan: Freedom for Kurdistan, for working class unity and socialism

01/03/1999, This statement of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) mainly deals with those parts of Kurdistan which are currently located in Turkey. It does not go into the situation in Turkey or other parts of Kurdistan in depth.
CWI statement



Outlook for 2012: A world in turmoil, 31/12/2011

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Paul Murphy, MEP

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tamil solidarity campaign kazakhstan

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marxism in today's world che

Che Guevara: Símbolo de Lucha

Por Tony Saunois

A socialist world is possible, the history of the cwi with new introduction by Peter Planning green growth, a contribution to the debate on enviromental sustainability