About Ógra


Ógra Shinn Féin is the youth wing of the Irish political party Sinn Féin and forms a significant part of the Republican Movement. ÓSF, as it is colloquially known, is active and organised throughout Ireland. It is often considered the most prominent incarnation of Fianna Éireann. Read more..

Our Mission


The long-term aim of Ógra Shinn Féin is to establish a thirty-two county democratic socialist republic. Issues of importance include: Irish unity and independence; workers rights; the environment; an end to sectarianism and racism in Ireland; decent housing for the people; weekend elections and referendums, education, voting age to be lowered to sixteen, and the promotion of the Irish language.

Ógra Shinn Féin

'Government taking shirts off our backs!' Sinn Féin NUIG


On November 4th, Cumann D’Arcy/Mellows NUIG held a ‘Shirt off my back’ protest at Fine Gael’s Galway West constituency office to highlight the issues effecting students due to the austerity measures taken by the Fine Gael/Labour coalition, this included their refusal to reverse the hike in the registration fee and grant cuts in the last budget implemented by Fianna Fáil and the lack of opportunity for Ireland’s youth in which we face the prospect of the dole or emigration and little else.

In doing so, members of Ógra Shinn Féin went to the office in which we presented Brian Walsh TD’s parliamentary assistant with the shirt off our backs to signify what the current government is doing and what they will proceed to do in the upcoming budget. In doing so, we were handed with an article stating that Brian Walsh TD (FG) and Derek Nolan TD (Lab) are against the reintroduction of third level fees. When ÓSF members asked them about these statements both reiterated this, said they’d try to influence their respective parties to not bring in third level fees yet said they were lowly backbenchers, cannot influence much and will vote for the upcoming budget regardless of what it will do to students.

Also, Derek Nolan TD admitted the Labour party had broken promises made pre-election pledging to reverse the registration fee hike and grant cuts made in the last budget.

We believe they, as public representatives, need to put their constituents before their party and protect those that at the brunt of their vicious austerity measures and not mindlessly vote for what their parties put forward but vote for what is right for society. We also believe that the Government TDs should be held accountable for promises they made pre-election, and to directly promise something the refuse to deliver is an insult to democracy and the Irish people.

Ógra Shinn Féin PRO Sean MacDonnacha said “If the Government feels the need to further deny students access to education and promote the economic brain drain that was left by the previous Government, they will in effect break the back of Irish society by leaving us without an educated workforce through copper-fastening the lack of opportunity which will see Irish youth emigrate and/or not be able to further their education to be qualified for many jobs”

“Sinn Féin believes education is a right and not a privilege and before the budget, Sinn Féin will submit a pre-budget submission is which we will outline our proposals and we hope that the Government take our proposals on board that will show there is a fairer and more equal way of doing things.”

Outgoing chairperson of the cumann, Conor Stitt is calling on Ógra Shinn Féin activists and Irish youth to join them in the USI march in Dublin on the 16th of November


Republican Youth Weekend Clár


Coalisland Clonoe Republican Youth Weekend Clár

£25/ 30 euro  Limited places remain!!

Venue: Clonoe Community Centre    Must Bring Sleeping Bags!!

5-6  Welcome
6.30 Dinner
7.30 Political Update
9.00 Rebel Night

9.00 Breakfast
10.00 DVD intro to tour "We didnt sit in silence"
11.00 Republican tour of Coalisland/ Clonoe finishing in Republican Museum
1.00   Lunch
2.00   Talk From Ballymurphy Families
4.00   DVD and update from Freinds of Palestine
6.00   Dinner
7.00   Talk On 1981 Hungerstrike
9.00   Rebel Night

10.00 Breakfast
11.30 Poc Fada, Prizes to top three
12.00 Mural Unveiling

Those traveling by bus can be collected from Dungannon bus station.


Derry Ógra protest Israeli piracy


Members of Ógra Shinn Féin, Sinn Féin and Derry Friends of Palestine took to the streets of Derry on Friday, November 4th to attend an Emergency demo held in the Guildhall square in support of the MV Saoirse freedom flotilla travelling to Gaza, on which Irish and other activists were onboard.

The MV Saoirse, had on board two Sinn Féin activists from Belfast, John Mallon and Phil McCullough the emergency demo was called as Israeli forces were approaching the Irish and Canadian ship, the Tahrir. Banners and posters were present from both Derry Friends of Palestine and Ógra Sinn Féin Doire. The crowd was addressed, by speeches from chairperson of Derry Friends of Palestine Sinead MacLochlainn. Also Charlie McMenamin and Sinn Féin councillor Gerry MacLochlainn, who both were onboard the MV Saoirse on the Freedom Flotilla 2 when it was sabotaged in June of this year.

Ógra Shinn Féin spokesperson, Criona O’Hara-vice chair said: “The emergency demo organised by Derry Friends of Palestine came in light of Israeli forces approaching the MV Saoirse, the Irish ship to Gaza. Young Republicans from this city came out and showed their support for people of the people onboard the Irish and Canadian ships, leaflets were handed out to passersby. Those onboard the ships were taken into the custody of Israeli authorities for entering Israel illegally, although they never entered Israeli waters, but were in fact arrested on international waters. We demand that they are released without charge. “

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