International Women's Peace Service


The objectives of IWPS untill 2011 are:

  • to continue supporting the campaign against the Apartheid Wall and increase international reaction to the wall
  • to support the international movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)
  • to support the olive harvest by organizing and providing international protection and accompaniment
  • to improve dissemination of information by expanding contacts, improved report writing and more strategic distribution especially regarding Human Rights violations and the effects of accelerated Settlement expansion in the Salfit area.
  • to maintain and improve relationships with other Israeli, Palestinian and international organizations working against the Occupation, in order to further our aims
  • to respond to individual requests of Palestinian civilians for accompaniment in their daily activities where they fear violence from Israeli army and settlers
  • to strengthen our relationships within nearby villages, with all sections of the society there and particularly with women
  • to increase capacity of the team through:
    1. annual meeting
    2. yearly training
    3. strategic planning
  • to continue to recruit, train and host volunteers and improve the arrangements for this
  • to strengthen organizational diversity by continuing to emphasize the recruitment of women of color and from the third world.