International Women's Peace Service


These are photo albums that were created beginning in February 2010 by Team Members living and working from the IWPS house in the village of Dier Istiya. All of these albums show life, as it is now lived, in Palestine.

Click on the Photo Album and then on an individual Picture to use our Photo Browser.

Funeral of Muhammed and Usaid
Mon March 22 2010
16 photos
iraq burin
Sat March 20 2010
42 photos
wadi qana
Fri March 12 2010
106 photos
Traditional Bread Baking
Deir Istiya
Tue February 23 2010
13 photos
Life on the Street at Sheikh Jarrah
The children eat, sleep and do their homework on the street in front of their home, which has been occupied by settlers since last year. The evicted familes still receive electric bills in their names for their homes, though they have no access to power or shelter.
Sun February 7 2010
10 photos
Children of Nabi Salih
Some of the children of Nabi Salih
Nabi Salih
Fri February 5 2010
96 photos
Occupied Homes in Sheikh Jarrah
Several of the Homes occupied by settlers in Sheikh Jarrah
Sheikh Jarrah
Mon January 18 2010
12 photos
Tana is a small village in the Salfit District of Palestine. The villagers have traditonally lived in the mountain caves, but recently built a couple of tin houses and concrete block school. The Israeli military bulldozed the houses and school.
Tana, Palestine
Wed January 13 2010
29 photos