Other Ways to get Involved

International Women’s Peace Service Welcomes Your Support! We realize not everyone is able to join our teams on the ground but your support can be equally effective.

There are many ways you can support the work of IWPS, including assisting with:

  • Social Networking and Media: help us increase our effectiveness in raising awareness
  • Join our fund-raising team:

There are many ways you can get involved with fund-raising, including:

    • Commit to finding 5 people who will agree to make a monthly donation to IWPS
    • Organise a fund-raising event. We can support you with ideas and event planning
    • Assist us with writing funding applications
  • Finances: we would welcome support with keeping our financial records, allowing us to spend our time more effectively on work in Palestine
  • Recruitment: assist us in our recruitment drives. Provide a link on your website or facebook. Spread the word!
  • Invite us to speak at your meeting: We will happily speak at your meeting or event. This is a valuable opportunity for us to increase understanding of the difficulties faced by people from Salfeet district (West Bank), promote the work of IWPS and raise funds for IWPS

For more information on how you can get involved please contact us