
Soulforce is committed to freedom for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people from religious and political oppression through relentless nonviolent resistance. As we enter our second decade of work, we invite you to join our movement.

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Next Steps

Fall 2011
Become a virtual Equality Ride by joining our Hit The Road campaign. Registration is now open!

Equality Ride route will be announced soon. Join our mailing list to be the first to hear!

Assessing our work

Marriage Equality In New York
Soulforce has been working toward marriage in New York State since 2007. Take a look back at our work there.

Art that moves
Marginal Arts Festival in Roanoke, VA hosted an art exhibit by Soulforce, featuring art by our participants and of our actions


Why Religion?

We recognize that oppression is most often rooted in religious belief and ideologies of power in which women, people of color and non-gender conforming (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer) people are subjugated and subjected to the violence of exclusion.  You will find us most often in dialogue with religious leaders, denominations and institutions who discriminate in polity, policy or practice.  We are committed to decriminalization of sexual minorities by all church and state sanctioned organizations worldwide.

Read more about why our work focuses on religious based oppression »

News to know

Dec. 1st - Gender Identity Law Bill Moves Forward (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Nov. 30th - World AIDS Day 2011: My Brother Patrick (Rev. Dr. Cindi Love, Huffington Post)

Soulforce’s Cindi Love Featured in SDGLN Article: Media Playing Key Role in Messaging and Mobilizing for Equal Rights

[Religious] Radicals Condemned for Praying for George Michael to Die (

Nov. 25th - Advent: Slippery Slope of Christendom (Huffington Post – by Rev. Dr. Cindi Love)

Jimmy Creech Still Pushing on Gay Issue (United Methodist Portal)

THE BLOG: What we're reading, thinking, doing

all | columns | updates | national actions | equality ride

Homecoming for LGBTQ Alumni of Wheaton College

Equality Ride at Wheaton College

Some of the more anti-LGBTQ, conservative media will tell you that Wheaton’s troubles with the “homosexual agenda” started back in 2006 when the Equality Ride first visited the school. The New Amerian actually remembered a great quote from a schoolwide presentation we held there attended by 1,500 folks. In response to Wheaton’s policy that essentially …

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Announcing the 2012 Soulforce Equality Ride Co-Directors

Soulforce is pleased to announce the selection of the directors for the 2012 Equality Ride. Director of Programs Jason Conner and new staff member Program Coordinator J. Mason will be leading the 5th historic bus trip.  The Equality Ride is a 2-month social justice bus tour that takes a group of young adults to colleges and …

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Designed & Developed by Be Gee M  

© 1998 - 2010 Soulforce is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit