Skeptoid is a weekly science podcast dedicated to furthering knowledge by blasting away the widespread pseudosciences that infect popular culture, and replacing them with way cooler reality.

Each weekly episode focuses on a single phenomenon — an urban legend, a paranormal claim, alternative therapy, or something just plain stupid — that you've heard of, and that you probably believe in. Skeptoid attempts to expose the folly of belief in non-evidence based phenomena, and more importantly, explains the factual scientific reality.

From the sublime to the startling, no topic is sacred, politically incorrect though that may be. 161,000 weekly downloads. Skeptoid DVD-ROMRead what people are saying.

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Latest Skeptoid Episodes...

Korean Fan DeathDec 6, 2011 - Korean Fan Death - Many Koreans believe that sleeping with an electric fan running can actually kill you, but many western scientists scoff at the notion. Is there a more subtle truth in between?

Nov 29, 2011 - Listener Feedback: Dorothy and Her Straw Man - The straw man is one of the most common of the logical fallacies. Today Skeptoid responds to a number of feedback emails that were particular dependent on this ruse.

Nov 22, 2011 - Slips and Goofs - As always, Skeptoid gladly corrects any errors found in past episodes. Here is another batch of such corrections along with helpful additional information.

The Fate of Fletcher ChristianNov 15, 2011 - The Fate of Fletcher Christian - Fletcher Christian led the mutiny on the Bounty and escaped to Pitcairn Island to found the small nation's colony. But some say he actually made it back to freedom in England.

Nov 8, 2011 - Top 10 Worst Anti-Science Websites - Skeptoid's Top 10 list of the worst offenders on the web in the promotion of scientific and factual misinformation. Sadly, this could easily have been a Top 100...

The Jersey DevilNov 1, 2011 - The Jersey Devil - The Jersey Devil, also called the Leeds Devil, is said to have been haunting New Jersey since 1735. We take a look at its original roots to see if we can learn what it really is.

Oct 25, 2011 - The Science of Voting - Democracy is a fine thing, except for one problem: No fair voting system exists to ensure the most favored candidate wins an election. What to do?

Oct 18, 2011 - Finding Shakespeare - Claims that someone other than Shakespeare wrote the Bard's works have persisted since about 150 years after his death - and today, they're stronger than ever.

Noah's Ark: Sea TrialsOct 11, 2011 - Noah's Ark: Sea Trials - Whether you believe the Noah story to be a literal true account or not, the naval engineering questions associated with its construction are fascinating.

Oct 4, 2011 - Brainwashing and Deprogramming - Brainwashing was attempted by the Chinese during the Korean war, and became the default explanation for cult membership. Did it really happen the way history describes it?

Sep 27, 2011 - Student Questions: A Few Good Myths - Skeptoid answers student questions on the subjects of the paleolithic diet, the psychotherapy EMDR, stainless steel to remove odors from chefs' hands, polyphasic sleeping, burn-in of audio equipment, and the great PC slowdown conspiracy.

The Monster of GlamisSep 20, 2011 - The Monster of Glamis - Glamis Castle in Scotland is one of the world's most famous castles, with a famous beast to go along with it. We'll look and see how much of the story is verifiable, and learn what actually happened.

All About FrackingSep 13, 2011 - All About Fracking - Fracking, the process of hydraulic fracturing of natural gas wells, is one of the most controversial topics of the day. How much of the furor against it is justified by the science?

Sep 6, 2011 - Listener Feedback Revolutions - Skeptoid answers questions and criticisms from listeners on the Scole Experiment, Morgellons Disease, New Age Energy, and Edgar Cayce.

Aug 30, 2011 - Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, and Other Radio Bogeymen - Some lobbying groups ardently claim that common radio transmitters, such as those in cell phones, smart utility meters, and wi-fi hubs are carcinogenic or otherwise harmful to humans.

Are We Alone?Aug 23, 2011 - Are We Alone? - Most agree that there are other technological civilizations out there in the galaxy, but have we been visited by them? There's no evidence that we have, but what are the chances?

Aug 16, 2011 - The Zionist Conspiracy - For as long as there have been Jews, there have been conspiracy theories predicting that they're planning to take over the world's governments. How much truth is there to these suspicions?

Aug 9, 2011 - The Hessdalen Lights - Scientists and UFOlogists in Norway are looking at some highly exotic, sci-fi sounding explanations for these remote ghost lights. But it turns out that the true explanation might be a lot more mundane than they hope.

The Abominable SnowmanAug 2, 2011 - The Abominable Snowman - The infamous Yeti is said to stalk the high snow fields of the Himalayas, and has even been photographed and left artifacts. Is there sufficient proof that we must accept its existence?

Student Questions: Energy Shots and SunscreenJul 26, 2011 - Student Questions: Energy Shots and Sunscreen - Skeptoid answers questions sent in by students on caffeinated energy shots, Internet myths about sunscreen, "information" in thermodynamics, suppressed miracle cancer cures, and drinking hot water from the tap.

Zeno's ParadoxesJul 19, 2011 - Zeno's Paradoxes - The paradoxes developed by the Greek philosopher Zeno seem to prove that movement is impossible, and therefore we must not live in the physical universe we think we do. Could he have been right?

Jul 12, 2011 - Feedback through a Fine Toothed Comb - Today it's time for some more listener feedback, and we're going to put even the craziest of listener emails under the microscope to evaluate their logic... such as it is.

Jul 5, 2011 - "Curing" Gays - A growing trend in the media is the promotion of therapy programs intended to "cure" gays and make them straight. Are these therapies real, and can they actually do what they claim?

Jun 28, 2011 - Conspiracy Theorists Aren't Crazy - Conspiracy theorists, who believe wild and implausible stories, seem to have a screw loose somewhere. But are their brains really working improperly?

AnastasiaJun 21, 2011 - Anastasia - When Tsar Nicholas II and his family were executed in Russia in 1918, some say that his daughter Anastasia somehow escaped and went on to live in the United States.


© 2011

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Skeptoid host, Brian Dunning
Skeptoid is hosted
and produced by
Brian Dunning

Korean Fan Death
Skeptoid #287, Dec 6 2011
Read | Listen (12:38)
Listener Feedback: Dorothy and Her Straw Man
Skeptoid #286, Nov 29 2011
Read | Listen (11:00)
Slips and Goofs
Skeptoid #285, Nov 22 2011
Read | Listen (11:42)
The Fate of Fletcher Christian
Skeptoid #284, Nov 15 2011
Read | Listen (11:42)
Top 10 Worst Anti-Science Websites
Skeptoid #283, Nov 8 2011
Read | Listen (14:50)
#1 -
How to Debate a Young Earth Creationist
Read | Listen
#2 -
The Real Philadelphia Experiment
Read | Listen
#3 -
Medical Myths in Movies and Culture
Read | Listen
#4 -
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#5 -
Kangen Water: Change Your Water, Change Your Life
Read | Listen
#6 -
MonaVie and Other "Superfruit" Juices
Read | Listen
#7 -
Religion as a Moral Center
Read | Listen
#8 -
Apocalypse 2012
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