The Liberal Party still doesn’t understand democracy

19 12 2007

Speaking at the National Press Club today, Liberal Party federal director Brian Loughnane offered the following as one of the reasons why the Howard Government lost the recent election:

He says WorkChoices united and activated the labour movement and the campaign against WorkChoices created anxiety in the electorate.

He says unions spent $30 million on their own campaign and this gave the Labor Party flexibility in deploying resources.

He says he feels this third force in the campaign is an unhealthy development and that the ACTU should have to set out how the money was spent.

I mean: heaven forbid organisations other than political parties should actually get involved in the political process. Democracy is supposed to be something we’re all permitted to have once every three or four years. Any manifestation of political engagement outside those terms of reference is an “unhealthy development.” Read the rest of this entry »


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