December 10, 2011

Idiot of the Week: Rick Perry (Yet Again)


Rick Perry is a moronWhen you are a moron with a solid record of idiocy and Christian extremist pandering who somehow finds yourself losing the contest for the Republican Party's presidential nomination, what do you do? More of the same, of course. After holding a Christian extremist prayerfest organized by hate-mongers, Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) flaunted his own science education to a child at a New Hampshire rally. And now that his numbers have plunged following some of the worst debate performances we've seen, almost anyone else might try something new. Not Perry.

December 9, 2011

Only 38% of Americans Think Some God is Behind Natural Disasters


I was reading a post from Austin Cline this morning about a 2011 poll from the Public Religion Research Institute and the Religion News Service showing that 38% of Americans believe that natural disasters are signs from some sort of god. While I was encourage to see that a majority (still only 51%) disagreed with the suggestion that a god uses disasters to communicate with humanity, I found myself focusing on the 38% who agreed.

In survey after survey, approximately 30% of Americans believe the most absurd things! And then an image flashed through my mind that looked much like this one:

IQ test graph

December 8, 2011

Action Alert: Ask Obama to Recommit to Ending Federally Funded Discrimination


ActionalertAmericans United for Separation of Church and State has issued an action alert asking Americans to contact President Obama about ending federal funded discrimination using a handy form they have set up.

From the alert:

In a campaign speech in Zanesville Ohio, President Obama stated that: “If you get a federal grant, you can’t use that grant money to proselytize to the people you help and you can’t discriminate against them – or against the people you hire – on the basis of their religion.” Unfortunately, President Obama has not changed the policies of the previous administration that allow such discrimination and federal funds are still being expended every day under the same inadequate constitutional protections.

We encourage you to ask President Obama to clarify his comments and to urge him to stick to his promise. If he has reversed his policy position on the issue of government-funded religious discrimination, we need to know that. If not, he should take concrete steps to fulfill his pledge and end the practice of federally funded discrimination.
You can take action here.

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