Welcome to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

--- featured and popular ---
  • Rachel Maddow talks about Darwin day and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Read

  • The Flying Spaghetti Monster and His intrepid crew of pirates once again at Fremont's Summer Solstice Parade. Read

  • Read the Open Letter that started everything (though we maintain the Church has existed in secrecy for hundreds of years.) Read

  • There were quite a few Pastafarians in the crowd. I'll continue to post sightings here as they trickle in. Read

  • Zach Kopplin is leading the fight against the Louisiana Science Education Act Read

  • Check out this FSM car at the LeMons 500 (all cars under $500) Read

  • In honor of Talk Like a Pirate Day, Dr Chris Martel distributed free pirate cupcakes throughtout downtown Corvallis. Read

  • Senator Grassley's megachurch probe was bullshit Read

  • Halloween pictures still popular, I'm not sure why. Maybe because of the pumpkins. But probably it's the pirate girls. Read

--- new posts ---

The FSMas Holiday season is upon us

Published December 6th, 2011 by Bobby Henderson


Please enjoy our fun fsm tree. the kids and I created it in honor of his noodliness! Thank you



Team FSM on Kiva hit $800k this week

Published November 30th, 2011 by Bobby Henderson

Nice work everyone. Current stats:

Number of Team Members:  2,608

Number of Loans:  27,208

Total Amount Loaned: $801,475 (as of 11/29/2011).


Pretty awesome.  I’ll just mention that Team FSM is above the Mormons by a hefty $80k, or about 4000 sets of magic underwear.  Not that it’s a competition. 

Please join Team FSM on Kiva if you haven’t already.  It’s a good cause and our team messages are highly entertaining.


Inspired artwork

Published November 21st, 2011 by Bobby Henderson


This is a photo of my daughter’s artwork on display at B&N in Liverpool, NY.  Not only did his Noodlyness inspire her wonderful art, but he must have touched the staff as well since her work was posted above all others.



Spaghetti, Wenches & Metaphysics: Episode 1

Published November 9th, 2011 by Bobby Henderson

Our friend Matt Tillman has finished his major design project, an introduction to the Church of the FSM. You may remember a few weeks ago when we asked if there was a sound designer willing to help. Well, you guys came through with flying colors. Enormous thanks to one of our own ordained ministers, the Reverend Dajaun Martineau, for supplying the music and sound effects.

Here’s the video, it is truly amazing:

Spaghetti, Wenches & Metaphysics: Episode 1—The FSM from Matt Tillman on Vimeo.

Amazing work. I predict a bright future Matt. I hope that both he and Dajaun are flooded with lucrative work opportunities for their good work.


Is this motion blur or proof of His existence?

Published November 2nd, 2011 by Bobby Henderson


I snapped this picture on the road a few years ago and I just noticed the manifestation of his noodliness as I was browsing through my picture archives.

The question I have is, will Adobe’s anti-blur technology cause people to doubt these miraculous sightings?


I’m happy to report there are now Ordained FSM ministers in 26 countries,  and most of the US states .  Quite a few of our ministers have successfully jumped the bureaucratic hurdles to receive wedding officiant licenses in their various jurisdictions.  I’ll try and make a map showing all of our locations.

I know of perhaps 8 weddings coming up that will be presided over by a Pastafarian minister in full pirate regalia.  I could not be more pleased.  

Aside from a few document requests and "is this a joke?" phone calls I received from clerk’s offices, there has been little resistance to handing licenses to perform weddings to Pastafarians.  I interpret this as approval – maybe even endorsement – from our government. FSM bless America.

Where will we go from here, and what other privileges do ordained ministers enjoy that we can get in on?  Someone told me there are special license plates available for members of the cloth.  That’s something to look into.

If you want to be ordained, here’s the link.  Price is still dirt cheap, just $20/$30 including shipping.  I think the world is better off with a huge number of FSM Ministers around.



Halloween is coming

Published October 28th, 2011 by Bobby Henderson

And it’s the perfect time for FSM evangelism.  It’s the one time of the year when pirates are not discriminated against.  I like to think our religion evangelizes in a classy way – everyone can enjoy propaganda pumpkins and sexy pirate ladies.  But some of those other groups, passing out candy with Bible verses on them… super lame, am I right? Why don’t you just give out raisins.  Or toothbrushes.  You’re ruining Halloween. 

So send me your pictures of your evangelism efforts, and I’ll post them here.  Pirate ladies are especially welcome to contribute… for science.

Here’s Rebecca’s pumpkin:



That is one pointy cupcake. Or is it Him?

Published October 28th, 2011 by Bobby Henderson


I was honored to find His Holiness turning up at a bake sale at my nursing home last week… proving that He cares about us through every stage of life.
– Scott

Pointy foods are more delicious because they have more surface area, and thus a higher flavor density.  –Science


This petroglyph is insurmountable proof of His existence

Published October 24th, 2011 by Bobby Henderson


I found this petroglyph (rock carving) at Newspaper Rock in Utah. These carvings date back thousands of years, possibly even predating pirates.


The evidence keeps mounting.  Nice work, David.


Another pasta Bible, what is this blasphemy?

Published October 23rd, 2011 by Bobby Henderson


When shopping in an organic food store in Leuven, Belgium, I spotted these Pasta Bibles next to Noodle based foods.

I was a bit fearful to read it, as I do not wish to be exposed possible fake literature contradicting the our Gospel.

After a quick review, I realized it was a picture book of His Noodlyness in many different manifestations.

Comes with descriptions in Dutch language on how exactly He was boiled for our sins.



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