Cross fertilisation

Look I don’t know. Seen on the Curtin Uni noticeboards, but only this one left. Seems more interesting, and yet just  as ridiculous as the Guild’s Oktoberfest on this week at Supreme Court Gardens. (I still wonder why The Guild don’t cut out the middleman and hold it outside the police lockup. Supreme Court sounds a bit up themselves – Oktoberfest, not cross rooting Aliens I mean. At least they should begin at the Magistrates Court.)

Posted in worst fashion | Tagged , | 20 Comments

Gay Spinnakers Pucker…

Art is permitted to survive only if it renounces the right to be different, and integrates itself into the omnipotent realm of the profane. -Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno

Well obviously. And this must be the “high art” that those primo whiners Adorno & Horkheimer were defending, or would have been if they had fled to Morley rather than being forced to complain about jazz, freedom and movies in America. Or would “Puckered spinnaker” have been too omnipotently profane for you Theo? These two masterpieces auteured into 2D by Brer Bento have theorists divided as to age. They must either be 60 years or 6 months old. The six month proponents point out the startling resemblance to Outrage haiku, poor syllable count and all. The rest are generally claiming “Gay? Pucker? Wot fuck?” and murmuring about a nuevo Ern Malley hoax.

Gay spinnakers pucker
Life returns to idle tillers
Catspaws scamper across the water.

Wouldn’t “idle tilers” have been more resonant? Another tradie seduced by minesite wages?Centered clay
A bowl is born
The wheel stands still

I like how they could centre the clay, but not the text.

Posted in worst art | Tagged , , | 49 Comments

Shallow World

By Saltysuzy. The “empty dreams” would be the Pablo and the “false hope” would be the International Roast decaf? Use of the cafe bar is of course a privilege not a right.

Posted in worst sign | Tagged | 81 Comments

Blank Verse

TWOP’s New York correspondent The Bartenders Skills with a Manhattan may well bleat about 1700s taverns being painted purple in the Hudson River Valley, but this is Perth baby. Thornlie and Embleton. Seriously, is this all there is? How do such things get built? And while lockable shutters including on the breadbin might be necessary in Thornlie, I just can’t imaging the circumstances where someone would sign off on the Embleton house recently finished. “Now we are facing due West into the roasting Perth afternon sun, so make sure we have no eaves or anything shading the windows. Insanity. Surely it could qualify for Perth’s ugliest affordable house?

Posted in worst architecture, worst house | Tagged , , , | 43 Comments

Ride on

Matt claims this was the best ride at the Royal Show. Was it $15 per Matt? Actually they should have made it $80 a go, the hook being that you get to stand up and walk away afterwards.

Posted in Uncategorisable Worsts | Tagged , | 48 Comments

Outrage Sunday 22 bowel me

Make tomorrow’s future discoverers better. The market for uni students is insanely competitive, judging by the insane slogans and bewildering advertising coming out of the dreaming spires. This UWA image of a lift on the beach is clearly a smarter Stargate. It must be tricky when sand gets in the gears of your Schindler, though.

Krazy Kym and I saw Submarine at Luna Leederville, which was meh. The highlight – apart from a vanilla choc bomb with chocolate thicker than Merkava armour – was this trinity of worsts in the toilet. Perhaps the Luna people laid the orange tile to evoke the French New Wave cinema vibe. I have sent the “ultra slim” to Bethany Keeley (who sometimes posts five times a day, and has readers far more gracious than some here).The fiasco that is the Graham Farmer Freeway was made momentarily tolerable on Friday evening when drivers saw POOTSY up the yoghurty ass of CONDEMND.

Not so much condemnd as frightend out of your thongs at the threat of a $140 fine in Subiaco. Is it me, or is wheel-clamping un-Australian and evidence of a bankrupt spirit and total cuntishness?

Posted in Uncatetorisable worsts, worst advertising, worst car, worst language, worst of perth, worst sign, worst spelling, worst toilet | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 36 Comments

Weekend Worstoff 171

A tribute to the great man in Comic sans. Well that’s a slap in the face. By Nataliafan#1. Now Dicky Court or Margaret Court…Ass yoghurt by James N. in Nedlands. (Scoop missed by Outrage in The Post)Lucky star shows that multiculturalism (and possibly homosexuality) are totally cool in Dog Swamp, where Adam and Omar am shit..
And John S likes this toy prison on Lord Street.Worst well.

Posted in weekend worstoff | Tagged , , | 33 Comments

Tower & Culture

More history. The building once at the corner of Outram Ord Street and Thomas Street in West Perth in the actual process of falling. It was either Al Queada or Osborne Park All Demos. I think it was the Disability Services building. Can’t remember what went up in its place. Late 1990s. And a shot of a dude with a Culture Club shirt, I took on the streets of Northbridge 1983.

Posted in worst classics | Tagged , | 22 Comments

Four More Years!

Just realised it’s The Worst of Perth’s 4th anniversary! Feels longer sometimes. Still haven’t been given a Royalties for Regions temporary tatt. Had to make my own. Also, haven’t had a poll for a while. This one should be popular.







Posted in Uncategorisable Worsts | 88 Comments


By Orbea. Short of tagging an actual child or palm frond, it will have to do.

Posted in worst graffiti | Tagged | 11 Comments