Thanks to you – we have succeeded in delaying the expulsion in Silwan!

As a result of the campaign conducted by Solidarity and Rabbis for Human Rights, the Jewish National Fund (JNF) announced today that it would delay the expulsion of the Sumarin family in Silwan.

Solidarity Demo in Silwan, November 25th 2011. Photo by Activstills

Over the last week, Solidarity and Rabbis for Human Rights conducted a campaign whose goal was to stop the expulsion of the Sumarin family from the house in which they have lived for over 50 years. Today, the 28th of November, the eviction order was supposed to come into force. This eviction order was signed by Himnuta, a subsidiary of the JNF.

As published in Haaretz , the JNF announced, following the appeals made in our public campaign, that it would postpone the expulsion in order to return to dialogue with the family. Yesterday the courts decided to freeze the eviction order.

This campaign owes its success to the great work done by our activists and supporters, who were present ‘on the ground,’ in demonstrations and tours, who wrote letters to the JNF, and who spread the news to their friends and acquaintances. We thank everyone for their efforts and cooperation. Together, we have shown that even in dark times like these, we can still succeed in our struggle against the raging extremist right.

The struggle continues

The hardships of the Sumarin family and of other families facing expulsion from their homes are far from being over. The joint struggle for decency and civil equality must go on until we win.

Follow this story on “Solidarity” web site, on Facebook, and by mail.

How does the JNF work in service of the settlers? Read here