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It's time.
Start of a new era - GetUp!
Rob U Blind - Pokies HD
SBSNews 13Sep 2011 PM Picnic
Anti Carbon Tax Ad Brainstorm
Don't Risk CSG HD
No Temporary Protection Visas
Minister Bowen: We Remember
A Message from Carl Katter - GetUp!
Carl Katter on 6.30 with George Negus - GetUp!
Get Carbon Policy Truth
PM Gillard - Climate Forum Sky News
Julia Gillard Forum on Carbon Price
A Price on Carbon - In Five Easy Steps
Senate Question Time, July 4 2011.
No Harvey No - MFC & GetUp!
Our Common Ground and GetUp! Tasmania
Live Export Report Back
National Day of Action - Australia Said Yes!
Ban Live Export
Riz Surf Event - SBS News
Riz Surf Event - Sky News
Mental Health Forum - Sky News
Jack Vs Polluter Lobby - GetUp! TV Ad
National Day of Action - GetUp!
Mental Health Victory - GetUp
Mental Health Budget Win - GetUp
GetUp's mental health campaign
National Climate Action Rally Report Back - GetUp!
Candles at Parliament - Fund Mental Health
Sydney Carbon Rally GetUp
Baby Eliah on voting.
Stand up for the future of our climate.
Children in Detention - GetUp!
Children in Detention - Kanishka's Story
Solar Victory - GetUp!
Marriage Equality. It's time. - GetUp! with John Butler
GetUp! - WikiLeaks on O'Reilly Factor - 7.30 Report
GetUp - Just Another Bloody Bank
GetUp - The ad banks don't want you to see
My choice is not Crime - GetUp!
Simon Sheikh - Media 140 Part
Simon Sheikh - Media 140 Part
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Total Upload Views:
Feb 4, 2007
Latest Activity:
3 days ago
About Me:
GetUp is an independent, grass-roots community advocacy organisation giving everyday Australians opportunities to get involved and hold politicians accountable on important issues. GetUp is a not-for-profit and receives no money from any political party or the government. We rely solely on funds and in-kind donations from the Australian public.
Mission: Whether it is sending an email to a member of parliament, engaging with the media, attending an event or helping to get a television ad on the air, GetUp members take targeted, coordinated and strategic action. GetUp does not back any particular party, but aims to build an accountable and progressive Parliament - a Parliament with economic fairness, social justice and environment at its core.
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Channel Comments (431)
jangelsan (1 day ago)
Lov The video..¡¡
DarkninAngeI (1 day ago)
If you will air this in North America I will donate money monthly.
xchimino2 (3 days ago)
I meant Jonah! Not Byron.
chiminox (3 days ago)
It was thanks to you that I learned of Byron's video. I don't like gossip that much so I completely missed the Perez Hilton tsunami. Thank you guys!
kimberlyhaas1 (4 days ago)
sub back to my channel everyone thanks :) i will sub back :)
coboyfan12 (4 days ago)
FREE ITUNES GIFT CARD! Download App Trailers on the appstore for your iPhone/iPod or iPad. Type in "freeog" to get instant Gift card codes.
JWoodWould (4 days ago)
This is amazing! I'm glad to see this sweep over the world. I wish America would sit down and see this. Even more so I just wish people would open their eyes and see what they do to others when they don't allow them their simple rights.
mgztt (4 days ago)
Thank You so much to have made such a channel. We need a lot of it in Italy. Greetings from Firenze.
DarrylWeddington (5 days ago)
Peace!...with 2 fingers;)
HauteAntoinette (5 days ago)
Beutiful and touching videos Australia, i hope Americans can be inspired as well.
Marriage Equality!!
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