What our little world is yakking about.
" Fantasy Island " Jackson: Governments are lame when it comes to public health and safety. Aids and other untreated diseases ma... from "Survey Shows Encouraging Trends in Hungarian Teen Addiction, Juicy Hot Unprotected Sex"
alex: I wish, I wish, that they ALL immigrate to the USA, or Canada!!!! I wish, I wish!!!... from "Hungarians Put Aside Differences to Aid Romanian Children, Hate Roma"
" Visual Delight " Jackson : Why would anyone even consider hiring this guy? Take a look at him, a real bonehead...... from "Ft 1.2 Billion Haul Makes 37-year-old Country's New Armored Van Driver Heist Champion"
KapusztaKid: As an average American of magyar heritage, I must say my experience is that the Greeks who come to A... from "Hungarian Greeks No More Hopelessly Insolvent than Regular Hungarians"

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