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Jericho Movement Open Letter in Solidarity with OWS

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Sign the petition to AG Holder for Mumia!

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To locate someone in the Federal Bureau of Prisons and send money, click here!


Click on the fist for the
2011 Jericho Movement call
for hearings on COINTELPRO!

Please take a little time out of your busy schedule and sign the petition for our political prisoners, as they are working for their freedom.

You should also drop them a note to let them know you signed the petition.
Thank you for your help in this work...
Paulette Co-chair Jericho

Click Here to Sign the Online Petition

Ed Poindexter # 27767
Nebraska State Penitentiary
P.O. Box 2500
Lincoln, NE 68542
Mondo We Langa (D. Rice) #27768
Nebraska State Penitentiary
P.O. Box 2500
Lincoln, NE 68542

You can also check out their FaceBook page: Political Prisoners in North America

Watch a video and read about their case here!

Dear Supporters, Interested Parties, and all Peace Loving People, Warm revolutionary greetings!

Jihad Abdulmumit and Paulette D'auteuil, co-chairs of the National Jericho Amnesty Movement, are asking for the first time for your financial support. As 2011 is coming to an end, you have the opportunity to make a contribution and receive a tax deduction for the last time this year, which will help us continue our struggle and fight to free our political prisoners and prisoners of war.

Jericho has been representing political prisoners in the US for over 14 years. And our fight is for the freedom of hundreds of people who dared to stand up for peoples' basic human rights and dignity from the 1960s to the present. Their stories are actually a part of all our lives; because of their work in the past, we are motivated and compelled to pick up their work for our children and future generations.

It has been a significant year, and with our limited resources we have been able to visit and provide food packages for our New York prisoners; and some of us have been able to visit, when permitted, federal prisoners as well. But with your support we can expand providing material aid to our prisoners and their families.

This letter is a call to help us build a fund that supports our work for our political prisoners. It is also a call to awaken and enliven our communities to share some responsibility in these increasingly difficult efforts and times for our freedom fighters, aging through time, but still active and working inside, because the reality of our time has changed little if not worsened since their incarceration. It is a matter of immense historical significance to not abandon those who gallantly fought against overt racism, unfettered exploitation, social injustice, and political repression.

We do not take lightly this fundraising call to action, and respect everyone's hard earned dollars. Please be encouraged to know that a contribution of $5, $10, $25 or more makes a big difference and goes a long way, and directly supports all efforts to free our political prisoners. No Jericho staff or steering committee member receives any pay.

As National Jericho Co-Chairs, and for all our political prisoners and prisoners of war, we would like to thank you in advance for any contribution you can make.

As you well know, most of our veteran civil rights political prisoners have been in prison for 30+ years. While many of us recognize this as a deliberate and unconscionable attack on our community, what is more unconscionable is that they lack our political and economic support. As freedom fighters of our community's human and civil rights struggles, our political prisoners should not have to concern themselves with securing community political and economic support. Such detachment and community aloofness towards their plight sets a poor example for our young people who are expected to continue on with the struggle to guarantee human rights and dignity for all people.

In 2010 the National Jericho Amnesty Movement was able to establish an interim Steering Committee to make significant changes in its structure, redo its Operating Manual, and clarify its focus, mission, and goals. On the weekend of November 6th and 7th, Jericho held its National Annual Planning Meeting in Richmond, Virginia, propelling itself energetically into 2011.

With your contributions Jericho will be able to more effectively address the personal and medical needs of each political prisoner, organize support networks, establish Jericho Chapters, and programs to educate communities across America about the reality and plight of political prisoners, and politically and legally petition for the complete amnesty of each political prisoner!

You can help the National Jericho Amnesty Movement continue pushing forward by making a donation today…

Please send your contribution as a check or money order made out to IFCO /Jericho,

And send to Jihad Abdulmumit, 9406 Lockberry Ridge Loop, Richmond Va. 23237

IFCO is our 501(3)(c) fiscal sponsor. Therefore, all contributions will be tax-deductible.

As National Jericho Co-Chairs, and for all our political prisoners and prisoners of war, we would like to thank you in advance for any contribution you can make.

In Solidarity,

Jihad Abdulmumit and Paulette D'auteuil Jericho Co-Chairs

National Jericho Movement • P.O. Box 1272 • New York, NY 10013