Democracy & Governance

Here's how to create long-term, safer pathways to Australia for asylum seekers

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 22nd December 2011, 6:49pm

The sight of the two big parties exchanging and releasing letters on Tuesday was a performance that gave little hope for a sensible, humane or long-term response to the complex humanitarian issue of asylum seekers.

Greens urge big parties to get behind constitutional reform

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 22nd December 2011, 1:20pm

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown welcomed the release today of the report by the Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Local Government.

"The Gillard government and the Opposition should get behind this important and needed constitutional reform," Senator Brown said.

"The panel's outcome is the result of the process that stemmed from the agreement the Greens signed with Labor on 1 September 2010."

The agreement stated that the parties would work together and with other parliamentarians to:

Hold referenda during the 43rd Parliament or at the next election on Indigenous constitutional recognition and recognition of local government in the Constitution.


Coalition out of step on marriage equality

Blog Post | Blog of Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 13th December 2011, 9:31am

Tony Abbott's decision to rule out a conscience vote on marriage equality again shows he is out of step with what most Australians want.

Abbott’s decision on conscience vote betrays Liberals’ belief in individual choice

Media Release | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 13th December 2011, 9:25am

Tony Abbott's decision to rule out a conscience vote for Coalition members on marriage equality again demonstrates he's out of touch with what most Australians want, the Australian Greens said today.

Greens deliver stable, top-level representation

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown, Adam Bandt MP
Monday 12th December 2011, 4:48pm

While the Gillard Labor government continues to short-change Tasmania, both the Australian Greens' leader and deputy leader are Tasmanian.

"Nationwide, Australians can look forward to continued effective representation by the Greens whether it's seeking a fairer tax burden for big corporations to fund health, education, public transport or clean energy technologies and national dental health care," Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said in Hobart today.

"While the Prime Minister leaves Tasmania out of the inner circle, the Greens give Tasmania the assurance of top-level representation in Canberra for many years to come," Senator Brown said. "That said, I congratulate Julie Collins and look forward to working with her."

"The Greens' success with a carbon price alone guarantees Tasmania, with its abundant renewable energy, will see millions of dollars flowing south over Bass Strait, thanks to the Greens, in coming decades.

"The Australian Greens' party room is very content with the distribution of portfolios, covering all key issues."

Spokesperson for Legal Affairs, Penny Wright, congratulated incoming Attorney General Nicola Roxon on her new role and said she hoped as the first female to take on the job, Minister Roxon would continue her predecessor's work of making Australia's anti-discrimination laws compliant with its international human rights obligations.

"Discrimination is still a reality for many Australians and we need to ensure that our law is consistent and provides real equality for all Australians," Senator Wright said.

Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt said he was pleased that flexibility and job security for workers was now front and centre.

"The Greens have been pushing for some time to get more flexible hours at work. The challenge for Mr Shorten will be matching the rhetoric of flexibility to real and concrete improvement in working people's lives. We want to see existing flexible arrangements extending to all workers. Parents and carers, in particular need to get mandated rights to flexible hours," Mr Bandt said.

"I will be also seeking support from Mr Shorten for the Greens' Fair Work (Job Security and Fairer Bargaining) Amendment Bill 2011 which will put job security at the heart of the Fair Work Act," Mr Bandt said.


Protestors shouldn’t be treated differently

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Monday 12th December 2011, 11:46am

Tasmanian police are alone in wanting to charge protestors for costs associated with their arrest, Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

In a submission to the consultation paper about the proposed changes, Senator Brown said no other state or territory has such an anti-democratic law.

"Such a law would have put the suffragettes out of business and would have left slavery flourishing," Senator Brown said in Hobart.

Senator Brown's submission is attached.

Big parties guaranteed their own pay rises: Brown

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 1st December 2011, 12:14pm

The big parties should take responsibility for their own actions after rushing through legislation that guaranteed massive pay rises for themselves and removing the parliamentary check on pay and perks, Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.

"The big parties stopped the Parliament having to face the embarrassment of debating salaries. Parliament debates income decisions for other Australians, and will fiercely debate short-sighted budget cutbacks, and should debate income decisions for politicians," Senator Brown said in Hobart.

"The Remuneration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill backed by the big parties gave the pay tribunal, alone, the power to determine parliamentarians' base salaries and its future decisions on pay cannot be blocked or amended by Parliament. The Greens opposed the bill, rushed through Parliament by the big parties."

"Many Australians would also be surprised to learn that long-serving federal MPs were given free travel for life and that this could be used solely for personal purposes. Why should taxpayers pay for holiday travel for political pensioners? The major parties appear to have caught up with calls by the Greens for many years to review, limit and, if possible, axe the Gold Pass scheme. That is welcome. It should go."


Go Greens! Record result in NZ

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Sunday 27th November 2011, 11:56am

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown today congratulated the NZ Green Party for the record election outcome.

"I have just spoken to New Zealand Greens co-leaders Russel Norman and Metiria Turei to congratulate them on their stunning election result - 13 or 14 MPs elected," Senator Brown said.

"Go Greens!"

"New Zealanders have also voted with thumping majority in a referendum to keep their fair proportional election system."

"It's time for Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott to help Australians catch up with a similar fair go - 1 vote, 1 value - proportional voting system for Australia."


Resignation of Speaker

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 24th November 2011, 10:44am

"The Australian Greens will convene a special party room meeting this morning to discuss the resignation of the Speaker," Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said.

"We wish Harry Jenkins all the best in his new role and acknowledge his efforts to uphold the dignity and traditions of the lower house," Senator Brown said.