RSS FeedAnnouncements

2011/11/29 Nominations Now Open For The Eclipse Community Awards 2012
The Eclipse Community Awards 2012 are open for nominations. Help recognize individuals, projects and technologies that have made an impact within the Eclipse community by telling us about your favorites.
2011/11/28 Eclipse 10th Birthday Parties: Pasadena, Berlin, Kassel, Karlsruhe, Gent, San Francisco, Montréal, Ariana, Nieuwegein, Mountain View, Pécs, Vienna, Washington, San Jose, Athlone, Bangalore
The Eclipse community is celebrating 10 years of Eclipse with birthday parties around the world. Sign up now to attend or present.
2011/11/07 Hudson Book Now Available
We are very excited to announce the publication of this fantastic new book on Hudson available from the Hudson web site. It provides a comprehensive guide to using Hudson from initial download to production deployment.
2011/11/02 Eclipse Celebrates 10 Years of Innovation
In the month of November, the Eclipse community is celebrating 10 years since the start of the Eclipse open source project. In November 2001, the Eclipse IDE and platform were first made available under an open source software license. IBM made the initial $40 million contribution of technology to s...
2011/11/02 Polarsys: A New Industry Collaboration to Build Open Source Tools for Safety-Critical Software Development
A new open source industry collaboration, called Polarsys, is being created at the Eclipse Foundation to focus on building and maintaining tools for safety critical and embedded system development. Interested parties in Polarsys include Airbus, Astrium Satellites, ATOS, CEA, CS (Communication & Syst...

RSS FeedCommunity News

2011/11/22 ECE Session Recordings
Many of the ECE sessions were recorded and can ve viewed on the FOSSLC site.
2011/11/17 Moving toward an open-standard platform for M2M development
Using the lightweight publish/subscribe MQTT protocol, along with Java and Eclipse, Eurotech has devised an approach that makes it easier for their clients to connect Eurotech's (and other companies') boards and devices in a machine-to-machine (M2M) network.
2011/11/14 Eclipse based DSL Tooling - Meet the Experts
Am 29. November veranstaltet die itemis AG ein Event, in dem spannende Themen und Erfahrungsberichte zum Thema: Xcore, Modellierung mit CDO und Xtext im Einsatz für HMI-Definition aufgegriffen werden. Erfahrungsaustausch und interessante Gespäche stehen ebenso im Fokus wie die Möglichkeit den Abe...
2011/11/09 Pour ses 10 ans, le projet Eclipse révolutionne les mondes Java et web
Focus sur l’actualité d’Eclipse, un projet qui vient de souffler sa dixième bougie. Il est soutenu par une fondation actuellement très active dans les secteurs Java et web.
2011/11/09 Avec Orion, nous proposons un éditeur Web... en mode Web
Quel est le bilan du projet 10 ans après son lancement ? Quels sont ses enjeux ? Le point avec le responsable du développement de son écosystème. Une interview réalisée à l'occasion d'Eclipse Day Paris 2011.