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Should Capitalism Have a Future?

Public debate: Should Capitalism Have a Future? '  Yes' - Professor John Meadowcroft (University of East London)  'No' - Richard Headicar (the Socialist Party)

Part One of Two

From This Months Socialist Standard

Editorial: Beyond the Cutbacks

It's simple really.
Your wage or salary is the money necessary to reproduce your ability to work.
Your pension is your wage or salary deferred until you retire. Concerns over the effect of increasing life expectancy – sometimes described as a "burden" – are only a smokescreen. We need to be clear. Lowering pension levels and raising the retirement age are cuts in real pay.

Pensions are a transfer payment from the profits of the capitalist class, which come from what workers as a whole produce. That there is at present a "problem" once more proves that the market economy is incapable of going beyond the limits of the wages system. It cannot adequately provide for the needs of the class that produces and distributes all the wealth in the first place.

Advances gained from the increased productivity of our labour – including an increased lifespan – are being clawed back by capital to its advantage, pushing the burden from the capitalists onto the workers.

Indian Earthquake: Did it really kill?

In January, a 42-day long Indian religious festival began at Allahabad, 500 miles east of New Delhi. The Kumbh Mela attracted over 70 million Hindu pilgrims and believers, the largest gathering of humanity in history. Around one million "holy" men trekked from their remote hideaways in caves, forests and walled ashrams to be there, some revealing acts of devotion which along with the more traditional maintaining of absolute silence and sleeping on beds of nails, has included hanging upside down over smouldering fires, sitting under pots of dripping water, standing on one leg for years, staring at the sun for long periods, keeping arms permanently raised until they atrophied and in pursuit of total celibacy, having their penises enclosed in cages or fitted atop with iron rings. Such penances apparently bestow special powers, as demonstrated at the festival by the pulling along of heavy vehicles by sacred John Thomases.

'Newsraid' Election Broadcast

Election broadcast aired in the London area. Party speaker is Danny Lambert.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

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Marxism For Beginners Part 2

Marxian Economics and Capitalist Textbooks

Recorded at Caxton House, Archway. Speaker is Adam Buick

Saturday, 28 February 1987

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You are missing some Flash content that should appear here! Perhaps your browser cannot display it, or maybe it did not initialize correctly.

Political whores trading

Extract of MI5 recording, number XA4821S, Westminster, May 7. Principals in cross-Party coalition talks, House Speaker residing.

Chair: I must begin by asking you, gentlemen, if any here present are intending in disregard of honour or scruple to prostitute all their principles simply for the sake of power at any price?

The Socialist Party's latest pamphlet

What's Wrong With Using Parliament?

This pamphlet comes at a time when many people are questioning the destructive effects of capitalism, and also with it a rejection of leaders and the traditional left.

This is something that can be encouraged. The aim of the pamphlet is to show that there is another view of social change that may be a blind spot with those who get involved with anti-capitalist, activist or/and anarchist politics.

Price: £1.50