They can burn books, destroy libraries, forbid languages, ban beliefs, delete past times, draw new present times, order future actions, torture and execute people... But they still don´t know how to kill the intangible and bright bodies of ideas, dreams and hopes.

Coming to an end...

Oscar Wilde said something like everyone, at every moment, is what s/he has been and what s/he will be. Likewise, our lines have always been what we have walked and what we have read –in a book, on the ground, looking at the stars- and, undoubtedly, will leave a mark on new pages...
With failures and successes, with great satisfaction after managing to overcome many obstacles that have been placed in our path, we have arrived at the place where on we stand. A place that is neither far nor close from/to somewhere else, a place that is yours and ours alike for we have shared it during almost three years, and from where we now say good-bye...
Perhaps, as Alejandro Dolina once wrote, it is not a bad idea ... from time to time ... to give life an advantage ... And one more thing. If we cannot feel proud of what we have done, at least that we can take a pride in what we did not want to do.
Thank you and good luck…

Sara & Edgardo, Edgardo & Sara
Civallero & PlazaBitácora de un músicoBitácora de un escritorBitácora de un bibliotecarioBitácora de un ilustrador