Our Mission

WOLA promotes human rights, democracy, and social justice by working with partners in Latin America and the Caribbean to shape policies in the United States and abroad.

Promoting Human Rights, Democracy and Social Justice

The Washington Office on Latin America facilitates dialogue between governmental and non-governmental actors, monitors the impact of policies and programs of governments and international organizations, and promotes alternatives through reporting, education, training and advocacy. Founded in 1974, WOLA works closely with civil society organizations and government officials throughout the Americas.


Join Diego Luna - Stop Gun Smuggling to Mexico

According to a recent U.S. Congressional report, approximately 70% of the weapons seized in Mexico in 2009 and 2010 submitted for tracing came from the United States. Listen to Diego Luna's message about gun violence in Mexico, and then join the movement for peace in Mexico by signing a petition to U.S. President Obama.

Drugs and Prisons in Brazil

In Brazil, possession of drugs for personal consumption is punished with educational measures and community service, not prison. In this video, a young man tells of the disparity in sentencing between the wealthy and the poor.