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23/10/2011 - 16:33

The material builds on earlier excellent research done by the IUF Latin American region focused mainly on the Latin American dairy sector and presented at the dairy sector conference held in Buenos Aires in March 2010.

The latest research project resourced by the New Zealand Dairy Workers Union (NZDWU) is completed and covers a range of dairy companies and key dairy countries/regions as well as a global dairy industry report.

The entire research material is available in English with summaries of key issues translated into relevant IUF languages.

13/10/2011 - 09:22

As a response to the New Zealand Parliamentary Commerce Committee inquiry into the price of milk, the New Zealand Dairy Workers' Union (NZDWU) reported that the benefits of the co-operative approach in dairy must not be lost.

06/10/2011 - 14:21

The leadership group of the IUF's Dairy Division will meet in Hamilton New Zealand on November 16-18, 2011.

The group will assess Dairy Division progress since its creation in April 2010. It will also have the first opportunity to review the considerable amount of research that will be presented to the group and subsequently published for Dairy Division members.

13/07/2011 - 10:28

The following highlights the journey so far:

·         2006 (mid) - IUF Regional Secretary Ma during the staff meeting of IUF India Outreach posed an idea, viz.  whether we could explore the possibility of an umbrella organization for dairy sector employees.

·         Late 2006 till March 2007 - initial contacts with dairy workers unions in the states of Andhra Pradesh (AP), Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Uttar Pradesh (UP) and West Bengal were   established and as the responses of these unions were positive, work continued.

13/07/2011 - 10:22

The New Zealand Dairy Workers Union (NZDWU) national executive discussed and approved further support for the ongoing development of the Dairy Employees Federation of India (DEFOI) on June 9, 2011.

11/07/2011 - 14:41

Following the example of last year’s victory at the GSK Horlicks plant in Nabha, northwest India, the union at the Horlicks plant in Rajmundry in Andhra Pradesh, won permanent jobs for 205 casual workers under the new Collective Agreement signed recently.

After two decades of precarious employment the 205 casual workers can finally access their fundamental trade union rights, joining the permanent workers’ union and securing the protection and benefits of the Collective Agreement for the first time. The number of permanent workers at the Horlicks Rajmundry plant is now 900.

04/07/2011 - 17:49

On July 2 2011, delegates to the National Conference of Women Dairy Workers reported that women workers in the world’s largest dairy industry face wage discrimination, excessive working hours, increased night work, denial of opportunities for promotion, precarious employment, and access to even the most basic facilities such as separate toilets and changing rooms.

23/06/2011 - 17:16

Nearly two weeks after launching an unlimited strike at the Prolesur dairy plant in Osorno, Chile, 120 members of the Chilean Federation of Dairy Company Workers' Unions (FENATRAL) have won a collective agreement bringing substantial gains in wages and benefits. Prolesur is a subsidiary of Soprole, Chile's largest dairy company, which is 99.8% owned by New Zealand-based Fonterra.

15/06/2011 - 13:02

The IUF general secretary sits on the advisory board of Danone Ecosystem Fund initiative.

31/05/2011 - 12:29

Following the October 18-19 2010 meeting of the IUF Dairy Division leadership group in San Francisco and building on the mandate from the 2010 Global dairy Conference the IUF has commissioned research resourced by the New Zealand Dairy Workers Union.

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