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Apr 30 / Naadir Jeewa

An update: The company behind the Twitter spies?

For background, see the bottom of this post.

After talking to a few peeps, I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind, and reveal what I know. After all, I’m not in the national security field, and I’m UK based. Here goes…

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Mar 12 / Naadir Jeewa

Why are we calling for a No Fly Zone in Libya?

x-posted to Perpetual Pieces

The below is an updated and extended version of a post I did for Liberal Conspiracy:

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Jan 4 / Naadir Jeewa

Student protests and social movement theory

Aaron John Peters has a new article up at Left Foot Forward that takes a look at networked forms of social movements, and their superiority to older social movement organisations. I want to take issue with this, and as I’m being lazy, I’ll quote paragraphs and offer my views:

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Nov 7 / Naadir Jeewa

Life imitates art with the terrierists

Definitely not one for Tom Rick’s War Dogs of the Week series:

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