Archive for September, 2009

September 30, 2009

Germany – The Bitter-Sweet Tears Of Angela von Merkel

by Edward Hugh

German voters gave Chancellor Angela Merkel the green light for a second term on Sunday, along with a clear mandate to form a new government with the liberal Free Democrat Party (FDP). But just what exactly is the new government likely to do? Merlek has been quick to pour cold water on any idea of [...]

Is Germany Dependent on Exports to Grow?

by Claus Vistesen

The analysis that follows should really be taken along with Edward’s recent thoughts on the Global Imbalances situation as well as his latest economic survey of the current state of play in the German economy. Essentially, I am going to have a look at what is, arguably, one of the more salient features of the [...]

September 28, 2009

Random thoughts on the recent German election

by Douglas Muir

Heard repeatedly yesterday: “Steinmeier has been an excellent Foreign Minister, but I just can’t stand the Social Democrats any more.” I wonder how many portfolios our Yellow friends will get. In theory, a Conservative/Liberal, CDU/FDP government is perfectly normal. But in practice, the usual Black/Yellow government has been something like “300 Black seats, 40 Yellow”. [...]

September 27, 2009

The G20 and Why Export Dependency And Global Imbalances Matter

by Edward Hugh

With the timing of the latest G20 meeting set to coincide with the run-in to the German elections acrimonious debate has not been absent, but even as the passions generated by the arrival of voting day subside, it is clear that just beneath the surface their lie some simmering problems which simply will not go [...]

Germany’s new voters

by Alex Harrowell

Something else on German elections. You might not expect it, but there will be more first-time voters this year than ever before – about 3.5 million of them.

The Fistful Option

by Alex Harrowell

So, the planned ballistic missile defence installations in Europe have been cancelled, and the US is looking instead at deploying ships with an upgraded version of the Aegis air-defence missile system in European waters, backed up with mobile and airborne radars. (There’s a lot of detail here.) This is sense. It’s sense for a number [...]

The European integration of extreme-right wing nonsense

by Alex Harrowell

Here’s a weird story. OK, so we’re into the last lap of the Irish re-referendum; Jean Quatremer has the latest polls, which put the yes camp well ahead. But what about that weird poll last week that put the noes ahead? British blogging institution Anthony Wells’ UK Polling Report seems to be about the only [...]

Even more German election…

by Alex Harrowell

A quick rundown of German election news. Handelsblatt says the result is awaited with great tension, which perhaps tells you more about Handelsblatt than anything else. They also have a discussion of the coalition position. In fact, in a sense, the coalition talks have already begun; the Ministry of the Interior has essentially made its [...]

Election in Germany

by Doug Merrill

Well, I’m going to go way, way, way out on a limb and say that the grand coalition will continue after today’s German election. What do the rest of you think?

September 26, 2009

Three Million Unsold Properties In Spain – Update

by Edward Hugh

In my last post on this topic, I said the following: My second observation is merely anecdotal, but the Acuña & Asociados report places a lot of emphasis on the coastal situation, which has, to some extent, already been “factored in” by most participants, however quite by chance I have talked with a number of [...]

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