Archive for April, 2004

April 30, 2004

It’s 15+4 now.

by Tobias Schwarz

Bridging what is left of the Iron Curtain will not be easy. But that is always the case when great things are at stake. That – not tonight’s celebrations – is what Europeans, old and new, East and West, should remember when the road gets a little bumpy along the way. Only a few minutes [...]


by Nick Barlow

If you’re not out celebrating, BBC News are covering the accession celebrations live. A streaming feed of their broadcast should be available from the website.

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by Tobias Schwarz

Russel Arben Fox is already going on Summer holiday, blogwise, in order to catch up on other (more?!) important things. Looks like a good opportunity to check his archives and do some catching up ourselves…

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April 29, 2004

But then, what do I know?

by Scott Martens

Via Desbladet and Libé, I see that the PUF will be releasing, for the first time, a Que sais-je? in English. The Que sais-je? series is an essential reference title, something missing in the English language market. French reference books on the whole are better than English ones, and there are a number of gaps [...]

Europe’s most far-flung enclave

by Scott Martens

Apparently, the Pitcairn Islands – famous from the many Mutiny on the Bounty movies – are a part of Europe, or so says the Pitcairn Islands tribunal in New Zealand. The story is up at the Head Heeb (via Crooked Timber). The whole story of the tribunal is long, sordid, and best described in the [...]

April 28, 2004

Damaging The UK?

by Edward Hugh

The Financial Times has what I consider to be an important editorial this morning. It concerns a letter 52 former ambassadors and international officials have written to Tony Blair telling him he is damaging UK (and western) interests by backing George W. Bush’s misguided policies in the Middle East. The FT describes this as “the [...]

April 27, 2004

Busted Flat And Vitriolic In Luton

by Edward Hugh

Bernard sent me this link from the New York Times with the suggestion that it might be of interest to AFOE readers. I am dutifully complying by posting. Unfortunately I fear the situation described may come much more as news in the US than it does to those of us here in Europe. Luton: “In [...]

New Europe, new afoe

by Tobias Schwarz

Gentle readers, important things are happening this week. At the risk of telling you something you may have heard before – in only four days, on May 1st, ten countries will become members of a European Union that will hopefully not just become larger, but better (alright, over time). Only fifteen years ago, predicting such [...]

April 25, 2004


by Nick Barlow

Chris Patten warns that a British ‘no’ vote in the referendum on the constitution could force Britain out of the EU

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April 24, 2004

Cyprus says ‘Yes’ and ‘No’

by Nick Barlow

So, Cyprus’ referendums brought a ‘No’ from the Greek side of the island, with over 75% of voters rejecting the plans and a ‘Yes’ from the Turkish side, with over 65% in favour. No one really seems to know where they go from here – the UN is closing the office of peace envoy Alvaro [...]

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