Reason Magazine

Hot For Teacher-Criminalizing Sex Between Legal Adults?! Nanny of the Month (November 2011)

Ted Balaker | November 30

Read Our Complete December 2011 Issue!

November 30

The banal authoritarianism of do-something punditry, the affordable housing scam, Keynesianism is dead, and more

Mitt Romney's Immigration Dodge

Jacob Sullum | November 30

The former Massachusetts governor's immigration stance precludes the possibility of reconciling policy with reality.

The Sky Is Falling Less?

Ronald Bailey | November 29

A new climate study suggests global warming may not be as dire as predicted. Obama's DOJ Cracks Down on Medical Marijuana

Zach Weissmueller & Tracy Oppenheimer | November 29

GOP Foreign Policy Debate Shows the Party Has Learned Nothing Over the Last Decade

Gene Healy | November 29

We may be in for another decade of promiscuous bomb-slinging and armed "community organizing."

Thirteen Steps For Making U.S. Child Care As Horrible As U.S. Health Care

A. Barton Hinkle | November 29

Nancy Pelosi once had trouble finding a babysitter, so her aspiration these days is "doing for child care what we did for health care reform."

‘We Don’t Face Any Good Options’

Nick Gillespie | December 2011

Nobel Prize–winning economist Vernon Smith on the financial crisis, Adam Smith’s underrated insights, and his journey from socialist to libertarian

The New York Times' Hypocrisy on Tax Loopholes

Ira Stoll | November 28

The paper goes after Ronald S. Lauder for the sins of the Sulzbergers

Why Does Keynesian Success Feel Like Failure?

Tim Cavanaugh | December 2011

The most terrible thing about the bailouts is that they worked.

Ron Paul's Moment

Steven Greenhut | November 28

The Texas congressman can win the Iowa Republican caucuses.

The Balanced-Budget Amendment Delusion

Steve Chapman | November 28

A balanced budget amendment won't halt the growth of big government

Occupy Thanksgiving: Hope, Redemption, and...Unbridled Enthusiasm

Nick Gillespie & Meredith Bragg | November 26

Superheroes ’R’ Us

Todd Seavey | December 2011

We’re all supergods now.

Eminent Domain Reform Is a Bipartisan Opportunity

A. Barton Hinkle | November 25

Eminent domain laws are bad for property rights and social justice alike

Friday Funnies

Henry Payne | November 25

Flying Carpet

Campus Speech Codes Are Bad For Higher Education

John Stossel | November 24

We should counter hateful speech with more words—not government force

China Derangement Syndrome

Ronald Bailey | December 2011

Once again, an economic yellow peril is exaggerated.

William Niskanen on Cutting Taxes and Shrinking Big Government

November 23

Reason's 1978 interview with the late libertarian economist

Occupy Thanksgiving: A Message of Hope, Redemption, and Dada

Nick Gillespie & Meredith Bragg | November 23

What Part of Deficit Reduction Does Congress Not Understand?

David Harsanyi | November 23

If members of Congress can't find $1.2 trillion to cut in 10 years, the only reason is they aren't serious.

Passing the Purse

Jacob Sullum | November 23

Congress can't delegate fiscal policy, but it can balance the budget without raising taxes.

Weathering Man-Made Climate Change

Ronald Bailey | November 22

Poverty, not global warming, is the cause of death and destruction in the face of extreme weather.


Kurt Loder | November 22

Martin Scorsese’s glowing tribute to the magic of movies.

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Why Taxation is Theft, Abortion is Murder, & It's Dangerous to Be Right When the Gov't Is Wrong

Nick Gillespie & Joshua Swain | November 22

Clint Eastwood's J. Edgar Shows That Hunger for More Power Corrupts

Gene Healy | November 22

J. Edgar Hoover's Fetish for Authority Was More Worrisome Than His Apocryphal Sexual Hangups

Virginia Dems Try to Thwart the Will of the People

A. Barton Hinkle | November 22

Democrats might have good arguments for insisting that the Senate GOP share power, but “the will of the people” is not one of them

The Simpletons

Matt Welch | December 2011

David Brooks, Thomas L. Friedman, and the banal authoritarianism of do-something punditry

Keeping Newt Undercover

Shikha Dalmia | November 22

America doesn't need Dr. Strangelove dealing with Iran's mad mullahs

December 2011
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