The Australian Greens are calling upon the Australian Government to take action to ensure Mr Assange's legal and consular rights are upheld.

On December 5, Mr Assange may be extradited to Sweden to face allegations, however, under the temporary surrender mechanism under extradition treaties, could find himself in the United States.

During Senate Question time on 24 November, an Opposition motion to hijack question time meant that the question Senator Ludlam intended to ask the Prime Minister was never asked.

29th November 2011

Doubling uni fees bad for science: Bandt

Adam Bandt MP
29th November 2011

Greens' more responsible option

Bob Brown
29th November 2011

Think longer term: Look at revenue

Bob Brown
Greens MPs, 29th November 2011

Basin plan ignores the environment

What a disappointment. That's what I was thinking upon reading the draft plan released by the Murray Darling Basin Authority yesterday.

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Senator Bob Brown press conference - November 15, 2011

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said today the prospect of selling uranium to India will horrify many Australians and is a giant step towards another backflip by both major parties: hosting a global nuclear waste dump in Australia in the years to come.

As well as Prime Minister Julia Gillard's flouting of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, Senator Brown commented on the old parties' stance on equal marriage.