A Place
For Science

On the trail of the haunts, homes, and posts of knowledge, from the laboratory to the field.

A Place
For Science

What really matters about a place when it comes to science? There are places we create to house our scientific endeavors, laboratories built to detailed specifications. There are places more remote, where we mine aspects and habits and all things undiscovered. There are places that are like no other, those that leave us marveling at what our planet and its inhabitants are capable of. And then there are places that stand as monuments to history, bearing unique biographies — science too has its Fenway Park and its Churchill Downs.

In all these varied locales science thrives, in different ways and myriad forms. In issue 17 of Seed magazine, and here online, we've aimed to touch on, if even for a brief moment, all of them — from the field to the lab to the inspired mind — and to explore how they, in turn, touch science.

Delve into our interactive map featuring global science hotspots and thoughts from leading researchers answering the question, "Where do you go to think?" Visit science where it's done with these three Where I do Science reports, and encounter photographer Noah Kalina's Labs at Night in our featured slideshow.

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