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latest news

Paul Murphy MEP grills Barroso

13/12/2011: "Stability union" is "eurocratic newspeak" for suspending democracy and enshrining austerity

  Europe, Video

A system in crisis

13/12/2011: Capitalist chaos – class struggle sharpens

  CWI Comment And Analysis

“Putin is a thief! Putin is a thief!”

13/12/2011: 100,000 protest in Moscow and 100 cities over rigged elections


Tens of thousands rally calling for nationalisation of steel plant

08/12/2011: "Without our work, your capital isn’t worth a penny!"


Budget to hammer the poor and vulnerable

08/12/2011: "Its criminal to make Ireland a vasal state to European banks & squeeze tribute from its people"

  Ireland Republic

Tamil Solidarity
Rajapakse and David Cameron working together?

08/12/2011: Tamil Solidarity demands that Cameron reveals all his personal dealings with lobbying firm and show the concrete details of the measures he has taken in relation to war crimes in Sri Lanka

  Britain, Sri Lanka

As Osborne declares war - workers show their power

08/12/2011: What next after the strike of November 30?


Thousands arrested after two days of street protests

07/12/2011: Fraudulent elections expose vulnerability of Putin’s rule


Strikes spread amid economic slowdown

07/12/2011: Women workers at Hi-P international in Shanghai continue their strike against layoffs for 8th day


Eurozone crisis
Another "solution"

07/12/2011: The countdown to “save” the euro and possibly even the European Union.


80,000 demonstrate against cuts

06/12/2011: "The demonstration on Friday showed a huge discontent. This is the beginning of a movement, we now need to continue."


New Zealand
Conservative government re-elected

06/12/2011: Workers sceptical of Labour while new Mana party represents seed of an alternative

  New Zealand

Thirty thousand students protest fees hike

06/12/2011: Step up student strikes!


November 30th strike video

06/12/2011: What the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) and strikers said on 30 November 2011

  Britain, Video

Thousands occupy Constituent Assembly site

05/12/2011: "Bardo 1" gives a new expression to persistent anger


Georgii Epshtein freed after ten days jailing

05/12/2011: Wave of protests to Almaty prison authorities


“Capitalism is like a chameleon, able to change the outer shell when faced with a threat”

04/12/2011: “The working class will rise up, at some stage, change the balance of forces and create a radicalised situation”


Left-wing MPs opposed coalition government

04/12/2011: “We are against the crisis programmes for Greece, Portugal etc”


ECB holds countries to ransom

04/12/2011: Paul Murphy Challenges ECB President Mario Draghi

  Europe, Italy, Video

NATO attack

03/12/2011: New crisis for US-Pakistan relations

  Pakistan, US

General Strike on 24 November

02/12/2011: A warning of things to come


Scandals in privatised old people’s homes

02/12/2011: Protest storm against venture capitalists and politicians


Women’s demonstration in Sindh

02/12/2011: Video footage of demonstration organised by Socialist Movement Pakistan (CWI Pakistan)

  Pakistan, Video, Women

Shutdown by mass strike on N30

02/12/2011: “We’ve had enough”


Biggest strike in generations

01/12/2011: Reports, striker’s views and socialist analysis of 30 November public sector general strike


Millions striking back at Con-Dem government

01/12/2011: First video report on this massive display of workers’ opposition to the British government’s attacks

  Britain, Video

Anti-POSCO movement’s leader arrested!

01/12/2011: Solidarity needed! Demand Odisha government immediately releases Abhay Sahoo

  India, Solidarity

Hong Kong
A socialist election campaign

01/12/2011: Socialist Action (CWI) stands candidate for first time

  Hong Kong

Millions vote in first post-Mubarak elections

29/11/2011: But military-controlled elections do not signal transition to democracy


Conservatives come to power on the eve of the storm

29/11/2011: New government faces impossible task


Baiada workers win strike

28/11/2011: Workers set marvellous example despite union leaders weaknesses


Far right terrorist group commits murder under nose of domestic intelligence agencies

27/11/2011: Antifascists have to build a mass movement and can not rely on the state.


Join the CWI!

World capitalism in crisis and turmoil – fighting for a socialist alternative


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World capitalism in crisis and turmoil – fighting for a socialist alternative

In the last months, the worst economic crisis since the 1930s has turned the world upside down. In every part of the world, dramatic collapses have been seen as the near 20 year boom of world capitalism has so quickly turned to bust. The rabid right-wing neo-liberal policies pursued by governments around the world during that period have been thoroughly discredited, as the free market’s most ardent defenders, from George Bush to Gordon Brown, have desperately resorted to state regulation and intervention, with multi-billion dollar financial stimulus packages implemented around the world.

However, the trillions of dollars of taxpayers’ money thrown at the banks have not been aimed at lessening the impact of the crisis on working people internationally, but are a desperate attempt to save crisis-ridden capitalism from total collapse. They way capitalist governments have responded to the crisis has enraged millions worldwide. But the actions of these governments, in attacking the living standards of the majority – with mass unemployment and savage attacks on public services – while bending over backwards for the bosses and bankers, has proved no surprise to socialists. The CWI has a long and proud tradition of fighting for a socialist alternative to the crisis-ridden capitalist system. Capitalism is based on the control of a super-rich elite – big businesses and corporations – over the wealth of society. Their reckless management of the economy, in the pursuit of maximum profit at any cost is the source of the major problems of mankind today, such as crisis, unemployment, poverty, hunger, war and environmental destruction. On the basis of a socialist society, where the economy is planned democratically, with the resources of the planet under the control of the majority, we could begin to solve these fundamental problems. We completely reject the grotesque distortion of “socialism” which existed in the Stalinist former USSR and Eastern Europe, where planned economies were presided over by privileged bureaucratic dictatorships.

Building the fightback

The CWI has parties, groups and individuals in over 35 countries around the world. We stand shoulder to shoulder with workers and young people around the world in struggle against the attacks of the bosses and for a fairer, better society. Our members play a key role in the Trade Union movement, and have been instrumental in leading victorious struggles against sackings and attacks on Trade Union rights in the recent past. We are part and parcel of the fightback which is developing internationally as millions have taken to the streets saying “we won’t pay for their crisis!”. Mass struggles and strikes, including waves of general strikes in Greece and France in the last period have shown in action the immense power of the working class. The CWI argues for the transformation of the trade union movement internationally into a fighting movement that can offer a militant effective strategy to the working class movement in the fight against attacks and for improved conditions and living standards.

In all of the movements and struggles that have developed, a striking feature has been the absence of political representation for working people. The parties which workers looked to as “theirs”, such as the various labour and social democratic parties of Europe have now been completely transformed into capitalist parties. The CWI fights for the formation of new mass parties that can give a political voice to workers and youth in struggle and galvanise the mass opposition to the bosses and their parties. In the 2009 European elections, the Socialist Party, our section in Southern Ireland achieved a magnificent victory, getting Joe Higgins elected to the EU parliament, with over 12% of the vote, beating the main government party, Fianna Fail. This is an example of the potential for a force that poses a clear socialist alternative to the establishment to achieve success.

In the neo-colonial world, in countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Nigeria, where the lives of the majority are dominated by poverty, hunger and communalist war and terror, the CWI plays a heroic role as the only force working to build a united movement of workers and the poor against the dead end of capitalism and imperialism. We were also involved in establishing International Socialist Resistance, and international youth banner for young people internationally who want to fight against attacks on their future.

To be successful, the struggle against capitalism requires ideas, a political programme, and an organisation that is able to unite workers and oppressed people across the globe. The CWI aims to build such an organisation. We think that organised workers and youth in their millions are stronger than the millionaires. That is why we need more people to join us in the struggle for socialism!

If you are interested in joining the international struggle for socialism and becoming a member of the cwi or you have read our ideas and seen what activities we are involved in and want to find out more then fill in the form below.

The cwi offices in London and our affiliated organisation or party in the country you are in will then contact you.

If there is no cwi organisation or party in your country we will give you help and advice on how to set up a group amongst your friends, workmates, or fellow college students who can affiliate to the cwi.

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Video: Paul Murphy MEP grills Barroso, 13/12/2011

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Paul Murphy, MEP

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Che Guevara: Símbolo de Lucha

Por Tony Saunois

A socialist world is possible, the history of the cwi with new introduction by Peter Planning green growth, a contribution to the debate on enviromental sustainability