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latest news

 Eurozone Crisis
Un-elected banker set to be new Greek Prime Minister

12/11/2011: Tony Saunois, CWI Secretary, interviewed on Al Jazeera

  Europe, Greece, Video

Breaking News
Paul Murphy MEP and other activists released; on flight home

11/11/2011: Gaza Flotilla activists abducted in international waters and illegally held for 7 days by the Israeli state

  Ireland Republic, Israel / Palestine

Hundreds rally for socialism at successful ‘Socialism 2011’ event

11/11/2011: “Clarity of ideas, visionary strategy, combined with an astute tactical appreciation of the critical need to raise the mass consciousness of the working class.”

  Britain, Video

South Africa
Assembly for working class unity held in Johannesburg

11/11/2011: “A journey of a thousand miles begins”

  South Africa

Berlusconi announces resignation

10/11/2011: Debt crisis hits Eurozone’s third largest economy


 Gaza Flotilla
Joe Higgins demands Israeli ambassador’s expulsion

10/11/2011: Government ministers "have not uttered a single word of protest in public in response to this outrage"

  Ireland Republic, Israel / Palestine, Video

 Gaza Flotilla
Irish activists re-imprisoned just before flight home

10/11/2011: Activists face “harassment, humiliating body searches, being shackled”

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

 Gaza Solidarity Flotilla
EU Parliament President calls on Israel to free Paul Murphy

09/11/2011: Breaking News: 7 detainees to be "released" tomorrow, followed by Paul Murphy MEP on Friday

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

Opposition activist Ainur Kurmanov addresses Socialist Party rally in London

09/11/2011: Hundreds sign protest condemning Nazarbayev dictatorship and demanding democratic rights

  Kazakhstan, Video

 Solidarity Needed
Paul Murphy MEP still in jail

08/11/2011: Israeli authorities delay deportation, continue imprisonment

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

Prime Minister George Papandreou forced out of office

08/11/2011: New ’National unity’ government = ‘austerity coalition’


World Economy
Wealthiest man in history alive today

08/11/2011: Rich hoard wealth - Fight for a socialist future!

  World Economy

Jarrow Marchers march into history

08/11/2011: And vow that the struggle goes on


Another victory for ’Occupy Seattle’

08/11/2011: Tents back up in Seattle as the Occupy Wall Street movement scores another big victory

  US, Video

 Gaza Solidarity Flotilla
Detainees ill-treated in Israeli jail

07/11/2011: Demand the immediate release of all the detainees now!

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

New peak of occupy movement with protests in Oakland

05/11/2011: "Follow Oakland’s example: For mass actions to fight against cuts and foreclosures"


Referendum proposal sends markets into turmoil

04/11/2011: For a socialist, internationalist solution


 Breaking News
Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy detained by Israeli Army

04/11/2011: Flotillas blocked and activists detained – Send protests urgently!

  Israel / Palestine, Solidarity

Joe Higgins TD lambasts government austerity policy

04/11/2011: Government’s policies will plunge society into Greek style crisis

  Ireland Republic, Video

Left union opposition advances in the fight for the leadership of SINTAEMA

04/11/2011: A list of opposition activists led by the LSR (CWI in Brazil) will contest the second round of elections for the leadership of the largest union of sanitation workers in Latin America.


Successfull CWI speaking tour

03/11/2011: Left Alliance joins Conservative led government – Time to build radical, left alternative!


Socialist MEP Paul Murphy once more en route to break the blockade

02/11/2011: Breaking News: New freedom flotilla enters international waters

  Audio, Israel / Palestine

Strike Action Organized in Oakland to Defend Occupy Movement

02/11/2011: Occupiers’ call for a “general strike” finds positive echo in labor movement


Excellent performance by the Socialist Party in Dublin parliamentary by-election

02/11/2011: Labour had a good day in Presidential and by-election polls but it’s all down hill from here

  Ireland Republic

Qantas management tries to lockout workers

01/11/2011: Most vicious attack on unions in 13 years


World Economy
Just 147 companies control 40% of global wealth

01/11/2011: Study finds 1% of corporations control world economy

  World Economy

Maruti Suzuki strike ends

31/10/2011: But battles still to wage


Which way forward for the ’Occupy’ movement

31/10/2011: What should the next step be for the ’Occupy’ movement


The one sided mining boom

30/10/2011: Review of “Too much luck” by Paul Cleary

  Australia, Review

Ennahda’s breakthrough brings major change in political landscape

28/10/2011: Election ‘success story’ masks growing anger from below


 Australia/Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan government under fire as President visits Australia

27/10/2011: Siritunga Jayasuriya, secretary of the United Socialist Party (CWI) Sri Lanka, has made a stinging public attack on the regime of Mahinda Rajapaksa while in Australia at the same time as the president.

  Audio, Australia, Sri Lanka

Armed attack on journalists covering oil workers’ dispute

27/10/2011: Condemn brutal attack on media freedom, Solidarity needed!

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Malaysia: Effects of global crisis felt in Asia

24/10/2011, Malaysian economy enters difficult period
Raviechandren, CWI Malaysia

Malaysia: Frightened government continues to hold the ‘EO6’

20/07/2011, PSM draws parallels with crackdown on Reformasi movement

Malaysia: Thousands of people protest in Kuala Lumpur for clean and fair elections

11/07/2011, Massive crackdown on opposition
By CWI supporters, Malaysia

Malaysia: Detained opposition activists brutally treated, six re-arrested

03/07/2011, Government steps up attacks on democratic and human rights to maintain grip on power
By CWI supporters, Malaysia

Malaysia: Political parties gear up for general election

27/12/2010, Real socialist alternative needed
CWI reporters

Malaysia: Three day protest by more than 5,000 migrant workers

20/08/2010, Employers bow down to their demands
CWI reporters in Malaysia

Malaysia: A year after new prime minister takes over

03/05/2010, Political landscape little changed since 2008 ‘tsunami’
Raviechandren, CWI Malaysia

Perspectives for Malaysia: A Marxist approach

01/02/2010, Review of Jeyakumar Devaraj’s "Malaysia at the Crossroads, a Socialist Perspective"
by Peter Taaffe

Malaysia: Joe Higgins MEP condemns divide and rule tactics of capitalist elite

21/01/2010, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) MEP speaks in European parliament

Malaysia: Power struggle between ruling National Front (BN) and opposition People’s Alliance (PR)

27/08/2009, The needs of the working class and youth are sidelined
Ravichandren, CWI, Malaysia

Malaysia: Ruling Front under strain

20/04/2009, Power transition to save weakening UMNO/BN
Raviechandren, CWI Malaysia

Malaysia: Multinational Hualon taken into receivership

22/09/2008, Textile workers win big concessions through persistent campaign
Raviechandren, CWI Malaysia

Malaysia: Growing political uncertainty amid global economic slowdown

19/08/2008, Independent working class policies vital
Raviechandren, CWI, Malaysia

Malaysia: General election

19/03/2008, ‘Political tsunami’ creates new political landscape
Raviechandren, CWI, Malaysia

Malaysia: Brutal attack on price rise protest

28/01/2008, Sixty arrested and held in police cells

Malaysia: Pro-capitalist policies of National Front government worsen racial polarisation

18/01/2008, Hindu Rights Action Force campaign underlines need for socialist solution
Raviechandren, CWI, Malaysia

Further articles on 'Malaysia':



EuropeRegion in Revolt


Eurozone Crisis: Un-elected banker set to be new Greek Prime Minister, 12/11/2011

 further videos

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Paul Murphy, MEP

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marxism in today's world che

Che Guevara: Símbolo de Lucha

Por Tony Saunois

A socialist world is possible, the history of the cwi with new introduction by Peter Planning green growth, a contribution to the debate on enviromental sustainability