Socialist Party

Budget will expose Labour Party dishonesty
Written by Joe Higgins TD / Monday, 28 November 2011 09:00   

Budget Day looms for the Fine Gael/Labour Government. On Tuesday, December 6, it will be clear for all to see how this government lives up to the claims of its leaders upon taking office in March, that it was the product of a ‘democratic revolution’ and represented a fundamental break with the cynical establishment politics of the past.

Eurozone: Into the abyss?
Written by Lynn Walsh, Editor of Socialism Today / Friday, 25 November 2011 09:00   

The Eurozone is at a tipping point. EU leaders are in disarray and have no clear strategy for resolving the crisis. Fragmentation of the Eurozone could trigger another deep financial crisis and global economic downturn. analyses the crisis.

Egypt: Protesters and army battle for streets
Written by David Johnson, Socialist Party England & Wales and Niall Mulholland, CWI / Thursday, 24 November 2011 09:00   

Thousands of activists fought running battles with security forces for control of Tahrir Square, Cario, last weekend, and at the start of this week. At least 33 people were killed and over 1,750 injured. There have also been big protest demonstrations in Alexandria, Suez, Mansoura and other cities. Street fighting continued last night in central Cairo, turning parts of the city into “a war zone”. Today, Monday 21 November, clashes are reported as armed state forces try to clear Cairo’s Tahrir Square of protesters.

The Markets rule in Europe
Written by Joe Higgins TD / Wednesday, 23 November 2011 09:00   

As recently as a year ago when I and others on the Left wrote and spoke about ‘the dictatorship of the financial markets’ many people thought we were exaggerating. However after the events of the past few weeks, can there be any doubt but that we are witnessing a full frontal assault on democratic rights by European bondholders, bankers and speculators facilitated by the leadership of the European Union?

Paul Murphy MEP visiting Gaza
Written by Peul Murphy MEP / Tuesday, 22 November 2011 15:00   

Socialist Party MEP, Paul Murphy, is currently visiting Gaza as part of a delegation of parliamentarians, to see the conditions first hand. Paul will be keeping a diary of the events and reflections, and you can read them on his blog. Here we post his report from the first day there.

26 November - Join the demo against Budget cuts
Written by Michael O’Brien / Monday, 21 November 2011 08:00   

Following an initiative by the five ULA TDs in August, a succession of meetings took place between representatives from the more fighting sections of the trade union movement and community sector about putting in a joint effort for a pre budget demonstration. This will take place on Saturday 26 November beginning at 12pm at the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Street, Dublin.

Britain: Crisis, Resistance & the Alternative
Written by Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party England and Wales / Sunday, 20 November 2011 10:00   

The following two articles appear in the newspaper of our sister party in England & Wales, and the analysis and alternative set out in them will undoubtedly be of interest to our readers. They discuss the upcoming public sector strike in Britain and northern Ireland, the capitalist crisis, and the socialist alternative.

Paul Murphy MEP speaks out at end of seven days detention in Israel
Written by Paul Murphy MEP / Saturday, 12 November 2011 09:00   
  • Lie after lie told by Israeli regime
  • Length and conditions of detention clearly an attempt to intimidate activists – will not be successful
  • Thanks to activists internationally for solidarity protests
The truth about Ireland’s super-rich
Written by Cillian Gillespie / Friday, 11 November 2011 10:00   

Albert Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results each time. In the last three years successive budgets have resulted in €20 billion being taken out of the Irish economy through austerity and have drastically worsened the present economic crisis.

Labour has cravenly capitulated to all the demands for savage cuts
Written by Joe Higgins TD / Thursday, 10 November 2011 10:00   

Winning the Presidential and Dublin West By elections was hailed as a great day for the Labour Party. While these victories undoubtedly took some of the pressure off the party and its leader, Eamon Gilmore, a sober assessment will conclude that these amount to a small upward blip on a graph that will soon be seen to be on a consistent downward trajectory.

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Eyewitness News from Gaza

Paul Murphy MEP is currently visiting Gaza, as part of a delegation of MEPs. Check out his latest updates below, or on his website.

The #Occupy Movement

US Socialists Say: Defend the Occupy Movement!

Here we post a statement from Socialist Alternative, our American sister group, where they respond to the recent state repression of the #Occupy movement, and discuss how the mass movement can be defended and extended.

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Occupy Wall Street: Tremble Ye Bankers the People Are Coming

Warren Buffet, one of the richest men in the world said earlier this year that “There has been class warfare going on... and my class isn’t just winning, I mean we’re killing them”. The onset of neo-liberal capitalism in the late 1970s that saw a shift away from manufacturing because the rate of profit for the corporations therein had flatlined, towards a finance capitalism in particular, facilitated a huge squeezing of the US working class, dashing the American Dream for the majority and massively increasing the wealth of the tiny minority of super-rich.

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#Occupying together

The organised left can certainly learn from the #Occupy movement, but some participants in the #Occupy movement might be surprised that they could also learn from the organised left.

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We won't pay

How to beat the household tax

The Government plan to introduce a property tax on the family home and a water tax by 2014. They are introducing a household charge in January as an “interim measure” for 2012 and 2013.  The charge will start at 100 euro for 2012.  It will be levied on 1.6 million households or 86% of all households in the state.

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Anti household tax campaign national organising drive

200+ people from 12 counties gathered in Dublin on 9 September for a national meeting of the Anti Household and Water Tax Campaign. Attendees included members of left parties, community activists and people angered by the governments policy of austerity including some from Donegal who have been agitating agains the proposed tax on septic tanks.

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Don't pay the Household Tax

The government’s proposed Household Charge of €100 is the forerunner for water charges and a property tax on every home.  A pensioner or low paid worker pays the same as a millionaire. How rotten!  This new tax has absolutely nothing to do with improving council services – the proceeds go towards the bailout of wealthy gamblers and bankers, for which ordinary people are being bled dry.

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Press Releases

Undisguised provisions for a Europe-wide dictatorship of the markets

Government is more than willing to give up powers to Brussels as part of austerity agenda

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ULA TDs condemn Eamon Gilmore for his inaction regarding the ongoing detentions of Irish nationals in Israel

Dear Minister,

We are writing to you to express our outrage at the continuing detention of 14 Irish citizens in Givon prison.

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Bondholders have 100 times more wealth than Ireland

Responding to the handing over of €715 million of tax payers money to senior unsecure bondholders Joe Higgins TD said

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Latest Audio / Video

Paul Murphy MEP clashes with Conservative MEP

Paul Murphy MEP Challenges Barosso

Joe Higgins speaking at November 27th ICTU Rally


United Left Alliance Press Conference 25/11/2010

Joe Higgins MEP on IMF & EU bailout