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300px-ApplegunsOMGASM is a fresh coat of paint on an old idea. It stands for the idea that Discordians, pranksters, irreligious nutjobs, and other ne’er-do-wells should be helping each other out with their crazy lunatic projects.

OMGASM stands for Operation Mindfuck: Golden Apple Seed Missions.

The idea is that we want to create this awesome activitist network, so all of our projects get better.

If you see a project listed as a Golden Apple Seed Mission (or “GASM”), you’re encouraged to participate. GASMs get better the more participants they have.

Anyone can start a GASM. You just have to post about it somewhere on the web where other Discordians will find it. These are a special kind of project which gains momentum with more participants. A GASM has to be kind of self-explanatory. We’ve found it’s easier to get others to participate if you provide most of the tools and resources. For example, if your GASM has to do with putting up a certain kind of poster, it helps if you host the posters somewhere for others to download and print.

Here are some GASMs you may or may not be familiar with:

  • A few months ago, we threw a Jake Day, and organized ourselves to send a ton of surreal mail to Senator Harry Reid.
  • POSTERGASM is my personal favorite Golden Apple Seed Mission. It involves putting up absurd posters all over your neighborhood. As the project goes on, lots of people have been making their own posters, or uploading pictures of their work. There are currently over 100 posters hosted on scribd. Make some! Print some! Put ‘em up everywhere!
  • ColbertGASM was our attempt to recruit Stephen Colbert into the Bavarian Illuminati. On February 28th, 2008, Stephen Colbert succumbed to our letter writing, and tossed us a golden apple on the air. Check it out: on February 28th, 2008, he tossed a “23 skidoo” at about 40 seconds in. There have been numerous other Discordian references on Colbert’s show, check out our project page for some noise about it.
  • The Erister Egg Hunt is a new annual Discordian tradition. On easter, we put crazy crap in plastic eggs and hide them all over the place.
  • The Day of Discord is a Discordian Meet Up. It’s a great opportunity to meet other whackjobs in your area. The more people do this, the more tangible the Discordian Society becomes.
  • Intermittens is an open-source Discordian Magazine. Anyone is allowed to write an issue of it. Other Discordians will read it and crap themselves.
  • GASMGASM is the mission to tell other people about OMGASM and try to hornswaggle them into participating. This post, for example, is a part of that mission. GASMGASM is actually a part of GASMGASMGASM, the mission to tell others about GASMGASM. And then there’s  GASMGASMGASMGASM, the mission to never, ever, STFU.


  1. OmgasmNo Gravatar says:

    The official website for Omgasm is

  2. Princess UnicorniaNo Gravatar says:

    Thanks for putting Erister Egg Hunt on here! But we didn’t start it we just named it. Pinky McFatFat revived it but its in Apocrypha Discordia even though it wasn’t named.

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