Danny Yee

Pathologically Polymathic (Blog)

Web pages I've been reading (and some web pages I've created)

Last update: 4 December 2011 (RSS, twitter)

tips on teaching mathematical intuition - BetterExplained
democracy is dictatorship, freedom is totalitarian - EI
not much transparency in Stockholm rental market - TheLocal
the climate change deniers are really scraping the barrel - Guardian
this guy sounds even kookier than Monckton
whenever I think Richard Stallman is paranoid, reality corrects me - EnGadget
yet another translation of Madame Bovary - Guardian [via Jenny]
a review of Radelet's _Emerging Africa_ - ForeignAffairs
dependencies between Linux packages look like predator-prey interactions - Arstechnica [via OSWALD]
book publishers are cutting their own throats with DRM - Stross
the UK government is taking from the poor to give to the rich - Independent
the fate of bookshops - PrintedMatters
the great Chinese novel - The Story of the Stone [my review]
Neanderthal neuroscience - Discover
testing the tennis-racket theorem - TTao - YT
markets allocate resources efficiently, based on purchasing power - Cosma
don't mention the R word - BBC
a novel about Iran in World War II - Savushun [my review]
IT is part of everything an organisation does, and shouldn't be a separate fiefdom - Register
where children sleep, worldwide - MyModernMet
the UK education secretary is 400 years behind the times - Guardian
Kindle libraries can disappear without warning - Consumerist
now no one wants German bunds either... this is going to get ugly - Bloomberg
"Environmental Accounting for Pollution in the United States Economy" - AmEconRev [free]
with empirical estimates of the economic impacts of air pollution damages by industry
US prosecutions for bank fraud have dropped since 2007 - EconView [via @phaseit]
Samuel Bowles' superb textbook - Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution [my review]
we can break the shackles of scholastic neoclassical economics!
further Bodleian Library adventures - Oxford Blog
wind farms will reach grid parity by 2016, even without carbon costs - BNEF
"the best wind farms in the world already produce power as economically as coal, gas and nuclear generators"
how cyclepaths can kill cyclists - Voleospeed [via CyclOx]
"it is not necessary for us to dangerously experiment with cyclists on busy roundabouts in the UK. The solutions are known."
talk-walking - McAfee
Spain's property crash threatens its banks - Bloomberg
Oxford Blog - the Oxford Greek Play - Clytemnestra / Choephoroi
having lodgers is much more common in the UK than in Australia - SMH
"more than three-quarters of Australian households now have one or more spare bedrooms"
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters - IPCC-WG2
only the summary is available so far, and the graphics in that aren't properly integrated
Iceland in recession - Guardian
"sales of condoms have fallen 25%, most probably because a packet of Durex costs twice as much as it used to"
dams and mining can cause earthquakes - PopSci [via @PhaseIt] - EnvEarthSci [free]
"Evidence for anthropogenic surface loading as trigger mechanism of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake"
private jets allowed to bypass customs, immigration - Guardian
bipedal striking and mating conflict - yet another "just so" story - PLOSone
(I really should write a review of Stoczkowski's Explaining Human Origins)
Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis and Holling's Pathology of Natural Resource Management - MacroResilience [via Patrick]
Bangkok gets the attention, but Cambodia is flooding too - ABC [via CLP]
satellite simulation improves climate/weather model evaluation - AmMetSoc [PDF via Skeptical]
"simulating the observations of multiple satellite instruments enables quantitative evaluation of clouds, humidity, and precipitation processes in diverse numerical models"


old diary
2002: Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2003: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2004: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2006: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2007: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2008: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2009: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2010: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2011: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Feedback to entity(AT)danny.id.au.

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I have a policy of not linking to pages that require subscription or any kind of registration. I also try not to link to pages that have popups or excessive advertising, but my web browser blocks most of that for me, so I may not realise there's a problem. Please let me know of anything really objectionable.

The format of this blog is based on that of Robot Wisdom - why reinvent the wheel?

Danny Yee