One Life to Live and All My Children Not Heading Online

All My Children, One Life to Live | Photo Credits: Lorenzo Bevilaqua/ABC via Getty Images

Sorry, soap fans: All My Children and One Life to Live aren't heading online after all.

Prospect Park, the company behind the online productions of both soaps, is not able to support the Online Network, which would have streamed AMC and OLTL, after facing both financial and logistical problems.

Is All My Children still headed for the web?

"After five months of negotiations with various guilds, hundreds of presentations to potential financial and technology partners, and a hope that we could pioneer a new network for the future, it is with great disappointment that we are suspending our aspirations to revive One Life to Live and All My Children via online distribution," said Rich Frank and Jeff Kwatinetz in a statement. "It is now becoming clear that mounting issues make our ability to meet our deadlines to get OLTL on the air in a reasonable time period following its January 13, 2012 ABC finale impossible," the statement continues.

The company had been working out deals with the appropriate guilds and unions, though negotiations were becoming increasingly difficult as the company was expected to uphold broadcast standards.

Earlier this month, plans for All My Children were put on hold indefinitely because One Life to Live had been more successful in re-signing current cast members — 13 so far — though any deals made were contingent on union clearances, which were not obtained. For One Life to Live to launch in early 2012, the writers would have already needed to be working on the show, but Prospect Park had yet to strike a deal with the WGA.

All My Children online put on hold — is Susan Lucci to blame?

"We believe we exhausted all reasonable options apparent to us, but despite enormous personal, as well as financial cost to ourselves, we failed to find a solution...While we narrowed in on a financial infrastructure, the contractual demands of the guilds, which regulate our industry, coupled with the program's inherent economic challenges ultimately led to this final decision," the statement continues. "In the end, the constraints of the current marketplace, including the evolution and impact of new media on our industry simply proved too great a match for even our passion."

Will you miss One Life to Live and All My Children?

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  • loner 3 days ago
    I cant believe they are taking these soaps off the air.I watch OLTL faithfully,and I can't figure out HOW they will end it .I am so disscusted because I KNOW it will be replaced with yet ANOTHER TALK SHOW ,and I am totally sick of them...
  • Sarah F 3 days ago
    What a disappointment. I have watched AMC & OLTL for 30 years and was so bummed when they took AMC off BUT had hopes for web time. I have never watched "The Chew" because it looks like all they do is sit around and eat. I have no interest in watching people get fatter on national television. Now with OLTL on it's way out, I guess it's no ABC daytime TV for me....shame on you ABC. You suck.
  • Disillusioned 3 days ago
    I will miss both soaps especially since they are being replaced with shows like "The Chew", come on guys, you can do better then that! Even old reruns would be better!
  • Scarlette S 2 days ago
    You couldn't pay me to watch that stupid show "The Chew". I saw a small part of it and I was shocked that this is even on the air. it was just so pathetic. They are trying way too hard to be entertaining and nothing they do looks natural. Not one of them has charisma or personality. I have no idea who the women are but they are so dull. I can't believe we have to give up OLTL for this garbage. I'm with you M.
  • Halfshot 2 days ago
    UNBELIEVEABLE....I can't stand all these talk shows that are on now. The Chew is for the Food Network and the new reality show replacing OLTL will not belong there either. Why doesn't the SOAP NETWORK pick up AMC & OLTL? They use to replay them in the evening for the people who missed it during the day. Why not just pick them up and keep the story lines going? Anyway, I'm very disappointed in ABC for taking these shows off the air cause that was the best time of the day for alot of us. Guess I will just have to get back to reading my books and turn the TV off. Very, very SAD!
  • Rebecca 2 days ago
    This is just a "HOT MESS!" I can't believe Disney/ABC, whoever, made the decision to cut the soaps in the first place! I mean really, are they making more money now. What hotshot up there made this move. Let's face it, like others have said, we have plenty of "lifestyle programming" already. Don't be afraid to be different. Stop chasing the ratings. Some people love, cherish, and respect the mainstays. Those are the people that will be around when the other fads die off! They will spend more money trying to create and recreate shows to keep up with everyone else. They need to suck it up and get the shows back on the air. Everyone needs to facebook, twitter, and email those execs over there!
  • BEV 3 days ago
    Remember when they took off "Another World" and replaced it with "Passions"? What a joke that was... they said it was to attract the younger audience. That left all us old folks to watch something else .. and we did! So turn your TV to another channel or turn it off!! I really hate to see OLTL go off. It has a great story line,like the "old" soaps. I suppose I'll have more time on my hands now that I wont be sitting in front of the tube.
  • b12 2 days ago
    I absolutely refuse to watch the insipid the CHEW! I would love to know if ABC will interrupt this trash for any mundane, so called news emergency as they did over the years for my beloved soaps! I will still watch GH, but we must BOYCOTT the replacement shows!!!!
  • Jon 2 days ago
    It totally blows! Everyone I know loved AMC and I am sure they could work something out instead of being so much for us fans.I watched that show for 38 wa truly the only escape and ever steady,never changing thing in life....a story to get lost in.
  • Mel 2 days ago
    I hope OLTL ends better than AMC..I .was totally disappointed with what AMC did they left us with a cliffhanger ..How dumb... with nothing secure for online viewing why END the show with a cliffhanger. Make no since to me ,,but what do I know ,,I only watched the shows since they began ..Please please please end OLTL without a cliffhanger.
  • slickchics1 h 2 days ago
    I been looking at AMC and OLTL for 40 years and it sux that they are taking them off TV!!!!! I'll never look at ABC again :-(
  • Stacy 3 days ago
    It's a shame to lose those shows and the remaining soaps probably don't have much time left and I will be sad to see those shows leave as well. The shows that are going to replace these veteran shows are making me really glad that I don't have cable TV anymore because they are TRASH AND NOT WORTH MY TIME AND EFFORT!!
  • Jennifer 2 days ago
    I've watched both shows my entire life (as have my mom and grandmother). I can see AMC being cancelled, but OLTL has great storylines. I'm going to miss OLTL every day and will NOT watch the next talk/reality show they're putting on in its place.
  • shelley 2 days ago
    I also do not watch the Chew and will not watch the network at those times. There is too many talk shows and reality show for me.
  • Ladysivamet 2 days ago
    Life changes everyday and the world gets more complex as we go along. But to take away shows that everybody loves and makes money for ABC was the wrong move! Who ever was the brain child behind it will have a hefty price to pay. Did they bother to ask the people what we thought? I hope that ABC gets what they paid for. I will not watch any programs that involve ABC! 1st Oprah leaves and is replaced with another dang new/talk show that is just stupid, then you bring us "The Chew". Who is running things there? Some young executive? Or it seems to me, a bunch of bozos!! Bottom line, ABC is the loser in media!!!
  • Angela 2 days ago
    I can't believe this is happening. Like other viewers, I was glad that I would be able to see it OLTL and AMC when it finally hit the internet. Now it is going off completely?? What in the world were they thinking of? I have been a faithful viewer of both Soaps and I just can't believe that they are doing this. I did not like it when they replaced AMC and now they are going to do it to OLTL!!! There isn't a need for all of these tired Talk shows or Reality shows that they keep trying to make room for. I am sick and disgusted about this whole situation. Those Soaps will seriously be missed and Daytime T.V. won't ever be the same again. What a mistake they are making. Angela
  • BJ 3 days ago
    I blame ABC and always will. Screw the "chew". I no longer watch ABC nor will I ever. Take that Mickey Mouse, Disney and the likes.
  • Soul Yesterday
    OK all of you who are complaining..heres what you do,take a play from the TREKKIES play book and start a MASIVE write in campain. Get every one you know too write the network bone-heads and tell them that if the show is cancled they loose viewers! DO NOT,I REPETE DO NOT USE AN ON LINE PETION,those hardly ever work. Pen and paper people is the way to go and also slam their email as well! Lets home thumbs down I get for
  • Kathy D 2 days ago
    I'm really disappointed in ABC. Do they not realize how many people watch these shows? Can someone PLEASE start a petition to discourage people from watching ABC at all after they stop these soaps? I would start it but I don't know how. Everyone please boycott ABC!!! The Chew is silly and I am fed up with all the talk shows. The only reason people watch any of these is that there is nothing else on. I will be putting my TV on the weather channel or something and find something else to do!!! If we ban together and they lose enough viewers we can make an impact!!!!!!! Let's not let them benefit from our loss!!!!!!!!
  • True Believer 2 days ago
    Soapless in Seattle!