
Israeli civil society organizations in the wake of attacks against activists and organizations
18 Israeli civil society organizations speak out following the attacks on Peace Now: Israeli law enforcement authorities must take the threat seriously and act to protect activists from violence. (Read More)

Scale of Control – New Position Paper by Gisha
Is the closure of Gaza lawful? Can Israel intercept ships on their way to Gaza? How much responsibility do other actors, such as Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, bear for what occurs in Gaza? A new position paper by Gisha. (Read More)

Gisha's director, Sari Bashi: The Shalit deal presents Israel with an opportunity in Gaza
In an article in Foreign Policy, Bashi writes about the need to ease the closure on the Gaza strip (Read More)

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Gaza Strip Map
July 2011. A new and detailed map of the Gaza Strip. Source: Gisha (Read More)

The Gaza Cheat Sheet - Real Data on the Gaza Closure
In this information sheet you will find concise answers to questions such as: What is the economic situation in Gaza today? Is there a lack of food in Gaza? What are the restrictions currently imposed on the movement of people and goods into and out of the Strip? The Gaza Cheat Sheet is updated regularly. (Read More)

A Guide to the Gaza Closure: In Israel’s Own Words
September 2011. Since 2007, Gisha, together with other human rights organizations, has worked to obtain information relating to the closure Israel has imposed on the Gaza Strip. (Read More)

Goods entering Gaza

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Gisha in Action

Following Gisha’s intervention, Israel allows Gaza lawyer to travel in order to participate in a conference on children’s rights
Israel refused to allow a Gaza lawyer to travel to a conference on Palestinian children’s rights in the West Bank. Following urgent intervention by Gisha, the refusal was retracted. (Read More)

Years later, the threat of removal to Gaza has been lifted, deposit money returned, and address finally changed
Majdi Abu Zeid was almost deported from his home in the West Bank to the Gaza Strip. Following Gisha’s intervention, he was able to change his address and receive his deposit money back. How long did it take? Only two years. (Read More)

Instead of helping to care for her sick sister, Amal could only enter Gaza to join her grieving family
Negligence, insensitivity and bureaucratic obstacles prevented a resident of the West Bank from visiting her dying sister in the Gaza Strip. Three months after she submitted her request to visit her sister, and after her sister had passed away, Amal finally received permission to visit her mourning family. (Read More)

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