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Welcome to BloggerHigh!

We will show you how to make money blogging with our free wordpress plugins !

Free Signup!

Sign up now to start getting your free gifts, including our incredible free equivalent of commercially available SEO optimization tools such as the SEOpressor Wordpress plugin.

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Here's what you get free when you sign up:-

BloggerHigh Free Wordpress SEO plugin - clone of SEOpressor

The BloggerHigh SEO plugin for Wordpress! If you write a blog, you will LOVE this free wordpress plugin. Automatically increase your on-page SEO score from the low 20s to 90% or higher! It's like having an SEO expert standing next to you as you work!

A free equivalent to commercially available SEO optimization plugins such as the SEOpressor wordpress plugin (that sells for $100!) this incredible free plugin also works on your autoblogs, leveraging their on-page SEO scores so they rank better in Google! Sign up on the left to download the free plugin now! Note that this is nothing to do with Daniel Tan, his SEOpressor plugin or any other of his products!

BloggerHigh Free Wordpress SEO plugin - clone of SEOpressor

The BloggerHigh AutoCommentPlus plugin for Wordpress! This wordpress plugin is available to Graduates of BloggerHigh only. It puts relevant comments on your posts automatically - all you need to do is specify the topic. It even works on autoblogs!

An equivalent to commercially available blog commenting plugins that sell for upwards of $50 a month, this incredible plugin will make your blog look popular, and keep the search engines coming back time and time again! Also makes each post more unique!

BloggerHigh Free Wordpress SEO plugin - clone of SEOpressor

The BloggerHigh AutoContentPlus plugin for Wordpress! This free Wordpress plugin automatically creates UNIQUE CONTENT on your blogs, every day if you like! Simply specify the topic and watch the autoblogging tool fill your blog with unique, relevant posts!

A free equivalent to commercially available autoblogging plugins that sell for upwards of $100 a month, this incredible free plugin posts press releases and articles on any topic you like, but uses a secret technique to make them unique first! No other plugin can do this!

BloggerHigh Free Wordpress SEO plugin - clone of SEOpressor

The BloggerHigh AutoBacklinkPlus plugin for Wordpress! How would you like a free Wordpress plugin that automatically builds you a dozen backlinks per day without any effort on your part??!

You could pay $1000 for the links this free blog backlink plugin will build you over the course of a year. Backlinks are added in a completely natural manner, and are 100% search engine friendly.

BloggerHigh Free Wordpress SEO plugin - clone of SEOpressor

The BloggerHigh Linkcoaker for Wordpress! Automatically encrypt your outgoing links!

Stop other people and spyware stealing your affiliate commissions now by automatically encrypting all your outgoing links with this free link cloaking wordpress plugin! Also prevents 'PR leakage' which can hurt your rankings!

BloggerHigh Free Wordpress SEO plugin - clone of SEOpressor

An ARMY of dedicated wordpress blogs, crammed with UNIQUE CONTENT, tirelessly promoting your stuff for you! Unleash the autoblogs for an unlimited stream of free traffic and massive Page Rank boosts!

This incredible autoblogging ebook explains in complete detail how to set up self promoting autoblogs at minimal cost, blogs that will automatically start driving you vast chunks of traffic! Better yet, this system automatically puts your links onto THOUSANDS of different domains and IP addresses for a massive boost to the page rank and traffic of any site you like!

BloggerHigh Free Wordpress SEO plugin - clone of SEOpressor

A free trial of the incredible Snapcontent Autoblogging system! Now comes with FREE blog comments too! Just enter your keywords, and kerching! Unique content on any topic you like for your Wordpress autoblogs!

This simple wordpress autoblogging plugin turns any blog into a professional looking traffic pump in seconds, helping you rank for any keyphrase you like, no matter how competitive! You can even monetize these autoblogs directly, unlike existing autoblogs full of duplicate content!

BloggerHigh Free Wordpress SEO plugin - clone of SEOpressor

A free trial of the world-beating article spinning system! Unlike 'best spinners' this one has a free trial, an EDITED collaborative thesaurus (4,000,000 lookups and counting!) and a revolutionary '1 click' autospin system that produces READABLE English, not the usual jetspinner gibberish!

This incredible free trial, while not one of our free wordpress plugins,will show you exactly what an online content spinning system SHOULD be like, rather than the useless downloadable content spinners you have probably already tried!


Recommended cheap Webhosting for your blogs and other sites.

free wordpress plugins and free trials of wordpress plugins

Our promise to you - The only third-party plugins we will ever recommend will be free wordpress plugins or systems that have a free trial and will add massively to your wordpress blogging activities!

Join up free now and find out how the high rollers are REALLY making money with blogs and autoblogging!

Copyright 2012

All trademarks are hereby acknowledged. SEOPressor may be a trademark of Daniel Tan, and we are nothing whatsoever to do with SEOpressor , Daniel Tan or any other of his products or systems including SEOpressor. All bloggerhigh wordpress plugins including our free equivalent of SEOPressor are rebranded free offerings from third parties.